Merihem laughed heartily at that. “Weak?” He shook his head, working to hold on to the next bout of laughter. “Weak is usingmy blissful bond against me. Of believing that it would make me weak.” This time it was Merihem’s turn to snarl, his teeth gleaming as he gritted out, “Peni strengthens me in every way. That is your failure. You never learned to see beyond your own needs.”

The sound Gebre made prepared Merihem for what was coming. Gebre, he’d trained. He understood what pushed the other demon’s buttons. Merihem had been right all along—Gebre was indeed the wrong demon to be Controller.

Merihem went into a battle stance, one he had taught the fuckwit standing looking way too fucking smug at the move. He would not use his power here to slay Gebre, they wanted to beat the life right out of the poor excuse of a demon. Nothing else would do after what he did to Peni, harming him. “You failed. It appears I’m not a skilled teacher when it comes with a dose of ‘asshole’ attached to the demon. But that’s okay, because now I’m gonna show you exactly how fucking skilled I really am at causing pain.”

Merihem anticipated the frontal attack because Gebre was that predictable. The demon had learned nothing, it seemed. Merihem easily dodged Gebre, who had to skid to a stop to avoid plowing into the stone wall. Goading him, Merihem laughed. “You were never light on your feet either, were you?”

“Fucker,” Gebre screamed. “You will die by my hand, and Asmodeus will see I am the better demon!” He lunged once more, the wicked-looking claws striking out.

They hit the air as Merihem danced around the other demon. He could easily rip out the fucker’s throat, but that would be too easy and over far too quickly. They wanted to make him suffer first.

Merihem let Gebre get closer the next time and pivot turned, kicking out and landing a heavy blow to Gebre’s midriff. He staggered, but only for a second, just long enough for Merihem to run his claws down the other demon's arm, tearing the black flesh down to the bone.

His scream was music to Merihem’s ears. “Having fun yet?” he taunted.

Gebre spun and kicked back, only to miss and roar, this time in frustration.

Merihem laughed gleefully when the air around Gebre shimmered, but then nothing happened. Asmodeus had clearly expected Gebre to fight dirty and attempt to use his powers. “Oops, did you lose something?” he sneered, before lunging and slicing across Gebre’s chest, flaying the skin and muscles.

The scent of blood filled the air as Gebre lost all control, screaming and spitting as he launched himself at Merihem, who easily dodged. Blood oozed, gleaming dark red against Gebre’s skin as he landed one solid punch to the side of Merihem’s arm. It hurt, but it was nothing more than an irritation.

Merihem danced around the flailing demon, striking, slashing, and tearing flesh from Gebre’s bones because he could, andwithout the use of his power. He would never disgrace himself in that way.

When Gebre went to his knees bellowing in pain, Merihem grabbed his hair, wrenching back his head. He looked Gebre right in the eye as he ripped out his throat, silencing him. “Take that, you motherfucker asshole, for harming what is most precious to us. May your soul sit in the never lands, to be fed on by the undead for all eternity.” Gebre disappeared as he uttered the last words, using his power to rid the realm of the shit.

Chest billowing, Merihem stared at the mess on the floor and sighed. Cleanup was a bitch and a necessity if he didn’t want to upset Peni. His little pygmy goat was really rubbing off on him. He chuckled at the notion. Did it hurt to hope for that later as a reward?

Minutes later, the place was restored to how it looked before the incident. Merihem eyed himself, releasing another sigh at the state of himself. The pants that Peni insisted upon were stuck to his skin, rubbing in uncomfortable places. The time it took to get cleaned—properly—and go in search of Asmodeus left Merihem anxious like he hadn’t been when fighting with Gebre. What had they been talking about?

Maybe playing with Gebre had been the wrong thing, now he came to think about it, with how nervous Peni got. Asmodeus was not the most civil of demons.

He followed Peni’s scent, and at the king’s personal chamber, Merihem’s anxiety spiked. He knocked, waiting to be granted entrance. Seconds ticked by.

Could he hear laughter beyond the door?

He knocked again, harder.

The door swung open and Merihem had to resist snarling at Asmodeus, who chose to sit very close to Peni, grinning at him in such a way, Merihem’s eyes widened.

The man looked human.

“Come in, your Peni is a delight,” he announced, like it was normal for him to say such things.

Only Merihem couldn’t get his feet to move at the shock of such a statement coming from the king of the demon realm.

“Stop standing there looking like I’ve hit you,” he growled and set Merihem’s world back into its rightful place.

“Sorry, yes, sir.” Merihem came into the room and noticed none of his surroundings, his full interest was on Peni.

Are you okay?

Peni started and then gave him that shy smile that went straight to a part of his anatomy that loved it.Yes. Your king has lots ofquestions.Peni’s gaze swept over his as his brows drew together.Is that a bruise on your arm?

The one blow Gebre had landed was more like a bee trying to sting his thick demon skin.I’m fine.He hadn’t noticed it, or he would have healed it.

Peni was up and off the seat, stomping towards him. His gaze narrowed on Merihem’s body.Oh, my.His cock plumped, and he tried to get his thoughts to go someplace else.

“Let me see for myself.” Gentle fingers ran over his arm as Peni strained to reach the spot where Gebre had hit him.