Chuckling, Silas tilted his head and said, “Whatever rocks your boat, my friend.”

Chapter Fifteen


He wasn’t proud that he’d listened into the conversation between Silas and Peni. But he didn’t regret it either. How could he when it helped him to understand his blissful one? Even his demon side didn’t have an issue with them doing it.

Merihem had kept quiet the rest of the time as they ate the meal Silas prepared for them. He was mulling over all of his little goat’s worries.

Being honest about why he was in the human realm was a start. Also, letting Peni gain back some of the structure to his life, although it wasn’t what he wanted for Peni, it was what he needed right now.

All this ran through his mind as the taxicab pulled up.

“Remember, you’re welcome here anytime you like,” Silas murmured to Peni as he gave him a hug.

Merihem refrained from baring his teeth, that was not what Peni needed or wanted. Dakata didn’t hold back the grin that said he knew exactly what was going on in Merihem’s head.

They’d managed to fit in talking business in between the spying on Peni. “I’ll send over the next contracts to make sure they fit with what you normally do.”

Dakata slapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks. But you seem to be doing okay while running around after your blissful one.” His toothy smile made Merihem give him a narrow-eyed glare.

He’d shared how things had gone down with Peni when they’d met, including the kick to the balls. His best friend had laughed his ass off.

“You’re welcome,” Merihem groused, not sounding like he was at all.

“Don’t forget to put into place those things we discussed.” Dakata gave him a pointed look before glancing at Silas, who was whispering in Peni’s ear.

Dakata had a plan for Silas to sing on a big stage in Paris with one of his bands. He was going to be a supporting act and Merihem had gotten tasked with organizing it, so it remained a secret for now from Silas. “Will do.”

Silas popped his head in the door of the cab. “Good to see you, George.”

“Same,” he mumbled around the toothpick.

“Shall we go?” asked Merihem, placing a hand on Peni’s waist, stooping to manage it.

He looked at the cab, then at Merihem. “Didn’t you want to?”

Merihem chuckled. “Yes.”

Another round of goodbyes and they were driving away, this time Peni sat at the side of him, despite Merihem wanting to put him on his lap. He’d heard how Peni found it all too overwhelming and he was trying to turn over a new leaf.

“Did talking with Dakata help with your worries about the money?” Merihem felt that was a good place to start the conversation.

Peni sighed as he wiggled to look at Merihem fully. His brow became pinched. “I’m not sure I’m happy about taking Mr. Dakata’s money. I know you told him you already had it in hand. But Mrs. Danials was already paid, which would mean Mr. Dakata has to pay twice. That doesn’t seem very fair. I agreed to the rate she offered me. So wouldn’t it be wrong to accept more now after agreeing on the terms?”

Merihem resisted scowling at the mention of that woman. Only his blissful one had a point, he had agreed. “What about this…” his mind raced with what he’d heard Peni talk about and a starting point to giving him back his structured life, “You keep on cleaning for Dakata, at the proper rate. That’s if it will make you happy. I mean, I want you to do what makes you happy. We could get a new cleaner, and you could supervise them?”—one look at the deepening furrow between his brows and Merihem backtracked—“Or not. It’s purely your choice.”

Peni gave him a searching look. “You mean that? You wouldn’t mind if I cleaned the house?”

Hope, it came through their bond, but also in his voice. Merihem forced a smile. “I want you to be happy.” That was complete honesty.

The responding smile, though small, said it was the right thing to say. “I like cleaning.”

Merihem recalled the bit about the library science course. “You could maybe do the cleaning in the morning, then maybe if you felt like it, do,” he shrugged, trying to act casual, “maybe do an afternoon class for the library stuff. Online or at the college.”

Peni tilted his head and back was the searching look. “Were you listening to me and Silas?” he asked suspiciously.

Merihem had no place to shrink in the cab. His lips parted—