Merihem glanced sideways at Peni while they strolled down the street towards a little Italian restaurant he’d eaten at with Dakata that was good, seeing his cheeks go deep pink. “Suggestions,” he asked, offering a big encouraging smile.

“You don’t want to know,” Peni replied, the sun highlighting strands of hair that looked like spun gold.

“Oh, but I do, I want to know everything.” He added enough of a sexy growl to his words to make his point.

The blush deepened, and Peni looked anywhere but at him. “It’s just silliness.” He brushed a hand through his hair, glancing about nervously, chewing his lower lip between his teeth.

“I like silly,” he replied, becoming more intrigued by what the little goat was saying. “But, anyway, we’re here.” Merihem stopped at one of the outdoor tables by the main doors into the restaurant. “Do you prefer to eat inside or out?”

“You’re letting me choose?” Peni’s wide-eyed look of amazement gave Merihem a swift kick to his balls, much like Peni’s goat had done.

He couldn’t resist and ran a finger down the warm, silky skin of Peni’s cheek. “Of course, it’s a date.”

“Ohhh… like a real date? Where there’s an expectation for kissing?” Peni slapped his forehead, and Merihem’s lips quivered as he resisted chuckling, getting the impression Peni had not meant to say that.

“Yes,” Merihem leaned forward as a server approached, and he bent to whisper in Peni’s ear, “I was hoping for a kiss this time, but to my lips, not my balls.”

Back was the adorable blush as Peni coughed and turned his attention to the server, who asked, “Table for two?”

“Please, and could we have that one there tucked in the corner?” Merihem wasn’t a romantic, but he could see that was the best table.

It had a canopy over their heads if it should rain. The sky was bright, and it was warm, but one never knew in the human realm. It also had flowers creeping up the trellis that enclosed the small seating area so it would smell pleasant and not of car fumes. All these things mattered… didn’t they?

“Of course,” the server replied, moving towards the table and pulling out a seat for Peni.

Merihem gave the dude a hard stare, wanting to bash the guy for doing what he wanted to do for Peni.What’s wrong with me?

Blissful one.

“Can I get you some drinks first?”

“I don’t know what there is?” Peni gave the server a lost look.

“What do you like?” Merihem asked Peni, giving the server a steely-eyed glare.


“We’ll have two orange juices, please.” Merihem waited until the server scurried off before placing a hand over the back of Peni’s chair in a protective move as he scanned the area.

Being outside and on display made him cautious for reasons he suspected had everything to do with Peni. Dakata had gotten all protective over Silas, his blissful one, so he figured it was that making him feel… off.

Merihem picked up the menu that was sitting on the table and offered it to Peni. “I know you like pizza, but the pasta here is wonderful.” He was killing this dating lark.

Peni took the menu and eyed it, as a frown tugged at his brows.

“What’s wrong?” Merihem asked, his stomach sinking.

Peni cast him a shy look. “Everything is so expensive.”

His suspicions about what was happening with Dakata’s housekeeper had driven Merihem to the office this morning. He wanted to snoop when no one was there and he’d found the household accounts, which displayed the name of the very female housekeeper and the extortionate amount she got paid. The clothes Peni wore were threadbare in places, something Merihem noted without it sinking in until last night when he’d had time to think about all things Peni. His mention of how little he had to spend added to the picture he was being taken advantage of.

Merihem plucked the menu from Peni’s hand, giving him an encouraging smile. “Are you vegetarian?” The lack of meat on the pizza suggested he could be.


Merihem eyed the menu. Was it romantic to order food on a date? “Are you a picky eater?” He glanced over the top of the menu.

“No. I can’t afford to be picky,” Peni said quietly, squirming a little in his seat.