Merihem worked his magic, only Peni was faster. He grabbed at the arm where the long bleeding slice was. “Who did this to you?” he demanded. “Take us home. I need to take care of this. You could have all manner of germs in it. And you were just gonna flick your fingers or whatever without cleaning it!”
You did this on purpose!Merihem felt his demon's satisfaction at Peni’s loving attention.
It was his turn to roll his eyes as they gave a wave to Silas who was sitting on Dakata’s lap, both of them giving Peni indulgent glances before Merihem did as Peni requested.
At home, in their bedroom, his demon side receded. Peni dragged him into the bathroom, his little nose wrinkled as he eyed the bloody sweats. “Off, they need to come off. And you need a shower.” He glanced at the shower stall, then back at Merihem, his brows tugging together. “I’m gonna have to come in with you.”
Merihem nodded and flicked his fingers to save time getting rid of both their clothes. Peni was getting bolder at the touching, but as yet they’d not ventured beyond the bed when playing the skin-touching game. Since Peni had discovered he was pregnant, he definitely had enjoyed touching Merihem much more when naked.
When Peni looked at his naked body, his gaze remained on the part of him that was showing interest in what was happening.Merihem never pushed, but he did put out the occasional wish Peni would feel relaxed and try something new. Wet in the shower had lots of possibilities.
One more flick and the shower started drawing Peni’s attention to the glass. “Washing… I’m washing you.”
Merihem bit his lip at how his blissful one was more talking to himself—like it was a pep talk—than him. He let Peni guide him under the warm water and waited to see what came next.
The height difference made it impossible for Peni to kiss him, but he looked at Merihem’s lips with intent as he took hold of his injured arm and washed it without once looking at it.
“Does it hurt?”
Merihem blinked the water out of his eyes and had to get his head in the game. “No.” He was talking about his arm and not his dick. That hurt for sure with the hungry stare Peni was sizing him up with.
“Good.” Little fingers ran over the cut delicately while his other hand held it under the spray. Yet still, Peni kept returning his focus elsewhere, making the ache in his balls increase. His cock stood fully erect, like a sword ready for battle.
Each gentle stroke was somehow connected to touching another part of him, and Merihem was back to biting his lip to hold back the moan and the urge to thrust his cock, knowing it would brush Peni’s lower chest.
“I think I need to wash all of you…just to make sure you’re clean.”Peni looked at the tiled floor. “You’ll need to sit for me.”
It was probably for the best because Merihem wasn’t sure how much longer his legs could continue to hold him with how they shook. With a little manipulation, he sat on the hard, wet tiles, with Peni standing between his outstretched legs. Peni twisted around, presenting his delectable ass to Merihem as he grabbed the shower gel off the low shelf Merihem had fitted for him. Merihem shut his eyes, only he could recall vividly the ass flexing in his face as liquid trickled over his thighs.
Moments later, sparks set off an explosion inside him, a kaleidoscope of color formed in front of his eyes at the fingers working up his legs from his feet. He breathed in his blissful one’s sweet scent, and his eyes opened and hooded at the sight of him.
The urge to lean in and taste made him shake as he resisted. Instead, he carefully stroked a fingertip down the swell of Peni’s buttock.
The little ass tilted up a fraction. Was that an invitation? With his attention fully on Peni, he did it again, watching closely. Yes, it was a definite hip tilt towards him. The hands on his legs stopped moving as Merihem got a little bolder. He ran his fingertip down the crease of Peni’s backside as his blissful one bent a little further forward. When Merihem reached Peni’s hole, he swirled the pad of his finger over the rosebud.
Peni rested his hands fully on Merihem’s thighs and groaned. His hole fluttered against his finger. Keeping the strokes slow and gentle, Merihem opened himself fully to Peni’s emotions.
Wonder. Need. A little flustered at his own boldness. All were good, so Merihem continued to venture from his hole down his taint. He cupped his balls in his free hand and moved his finger out of the way of his questing tongue.
“N-no. Don’t stop… ugh…” he cried just as the tip of Merihem’s tongue touched his rosebud.
Sweetness and a flavor that was all Peni exploded over his tongue, and it was only the desire to please that kept him from devouring him.
Wow… a tongue… my ass… sensitive… more… gods… more.
Peni’s thoughts, although scattered, Merihem got the drift. He cupped Peni’s hips and lifted him onto his tongue when something came through loud and clear.
Make it go deeper…
When he pushed the tip of his tongue, funneling it in slowly, then easing out before repeating the motion, Peni mewled and bucked into his face.