The mattress moved next to him and Merihem turned his head to look at his blissful one. A hand ran over his belly, causing it to quiver.

Peni’s gaze traveled down to where Merihem’s cock lay heavy against his stomach, and back was the shy goat. “Can I touch it?”

Throat drier than if he’d taken a visit to hell, Merihem could only nod. Expecting Peni to stroke it with his fingers that were dancing over his stomach, his jaw dropped at how Peni scooted down the bed and then leaned over Merihem’s dick, eyeing it so intently that Merihem’s skin burned.

“You don’t ha…” Merihem bit his lower lip to hold back the unmanly squeal that came at the tentative tongue licking at the enormous head of his shaft. Peni’s fingers hardly reached halfway around his girth when he took hold of the middle of his cock.

It looked enormous in Peni’s hand, and he held perfectly still, not wanting to frighten his blissful one. Peni took a deep breath, then a hot, moist breath bathed his cock before Peni’s mouth widened, and a pink tongue poked out to lap at him gently.

Releasing a deep guttural moan at the move, Merihem panted, sweating at the effort to hold back.

“That okay?” Peni questioned, almost against the sensitive skin torturing Merihem inadvertently.

“Hummmm,” he grunted.Don’t move. Don’t move. Holy fuckkkkkkk!

Peni’s mouth stretched wider, and he wiggled his jaw as his lips enclosed just the head of Merihem’s cock. Then he swirled his tongue over the slit.

Merihem’s body shook while his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he deflated so fast when the air left his lungs at force. Sensations blew the top of his head clear off at the tentative playing with his dick. As blow jobs went, it was awkward and sloppy. It was the best fucking blow job of Merihem’s life. As Peni swallowed and lapped at his slit, groaning, the vibration hit his balls and he bellowed, muscles seizing as his balls unloaded.

Cum dripped out the corners of Peni’s mouth, but he didn’t pull back, and he continued to make sounds that were all delight.

Minutes later, sweat-soaked and panting harder than a racehorse at allowing Peni to keep it at his pace, his blissful one sat back. He used the back of his hand to wipe his chin, and there was the shy smile. “How was that?”

Merihem’s lips curled up into a huge grin. “When I get my brain cells to work again, I’ll let you know.”

Peni’s brows drew together, then a second later smoothed out. “That’s good, right?”

“Any better, and I might never want to leave this bedroom.”

The sweet giggle seemed at odds with what they’d just done as Peni rested his head on Merihem’s stomach. Merihem relaxed and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being close in this way. As time passed, he thought Peni had fallen asleep, drifting himself. His eyelids fired open when Peni whispered, “I liked it. I think next time I’d like to try something else, if that’s alright?”

Merihem released a shuddery breath at there being a next time and stroked a hand over Peni’s hair, pushing it back to look at him. “Of course,” he murmured. “Do you have something in mind?”

Peni nosed into his side, hiding his face. “Licking other… places.”

Oh, to the demon gods!

Chapter Twenty


“We’re going to speak to the king now?” Peni was still sorting his new experiences into fresh boxes he’d had to make in his brain. They were still in the bedroom, although Peni had thrown his clothes back on the moment they’d woken, and Merihem hadcleaned them up. But then he remembered what he’d vowed to himself before Merihem had totally melted his brain. “I mean, yes, of course, we should go now. I don’t want you getting into any more trouble with your king. Should I shower first?”

Merihem shook his head. “There is no shame in that we smell of each other. It will reinforce to the king the strength of our bond,” he said, his voice deepening. “Unless the smell is offensive to your precious nostrils.”

“No. Not offensive.”Just really strong.Peni didn’t think he’d ever smelled so intensely of anything other than himself before. He knew he hadn’t. His goat half was snickering in his head, thrilled that his human half was overcoming hislimitations, as his goat called it, and now Peni was going to have to meet a Demon King, smelling… unlike himself. “I can do this, and yes, we will go. What do I wear to meet a king? Is there a protocol for that sort of thing?” He looked down at his worn pants and t-shirt. “Should I have a button-up shirt? I could go and buy one…”

He felt the tingle of Merihem’s magic sweeping over him and gasped, his hands running over the new material. “You got me a new coat. It’s beautiful.”

“It’s a vegan leather.” Merihem grinned. “I know these things are important to you.”

“It is, thank you.” Peni rubbed over his arms, hugging itself. “But, you know, will I even need a coat? Isn’t it hot where we’regoing?” He peered up at his mate, hoping he wasn’t suggesting anything offensive.

“We’re not going to hell.” Merihem burst out laughing, slapping his still naked thigh, half bent over with glee. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Is that what you thought, little one? That I lived in hell? That I would subject my precious blissful one to fire and brimstone and the screams of the damned?”

Horns. Unusual colored skin. Claws and fangs.“I wasn’t sure. I’ve never been to another realm before.” Peni went back to examining his new coat. The dark brown material was soft under his fingers. The coat went all the way down to his knees, and it had two big pockets, one on each side. “But for future reference, it sounds like you know that place, and shifter ears are very susceptible to extremely loud noises like screaming.”

“I would never take you anywhere that would cause you any discomfort,” Merihem promised as he held out his hand. “Ready to go?”