They rushed in, enveloping her and Gabe with unfettered exuberance.
Kissing hadn’t made his monitor alarm, but it began to shrill now, once again bringing several staff members rushing into the room.
“Okay, that’s it.” The older nurse planted her hands on her ample hips. “Everyone out. Visiting hours are over.”
“Cassidy stays,” Gabe said, keeping his arm around her waist. He glanced at her, as if expecting she might disagree.
“Yes, I’m staying,” she confirmed.
The rest of the group good naturedly took their leave. When they were alone again, she kissed Gabe. “I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too.” He gave her that same goofy smile that made her think he was high on meds.
Maybe that was hisI’m in loveexpression. He was so adorable the thought made her smile again.
Because she felt the same way. Loving Gabe made her feel as if nothing could go wrong. That their future would be bright with joy and happiness.
Like Christmas itself.
One week before Christmas...
Gabe helped Cass with the last of the decorations for the team Christmas party. Everyone on the team, their respective families, and even their kids were planning to attend.
There wasn’t anything more to do on the case. He had tracked the computer virus that had sabotaged their precinct to Cassidy’s stepbrother Brian. Rhy had confirmed the fingerprints at the scene of the Homerun restaurant had implicated Turk and Lonny, who along with Ben and Brian would spend a very long time in jail for their crimes.
His mother had shocked him by calling to apologize even after they’d briefly chatted in the hospital. He’d assured her everything was fine. He didn’t anticipate having a close relationship with her, but at least it was no longer antagonistic.
And that was in the past. Today was a time for celebration. One he’d looked forward to.
Surprisingly, Zeke, Sienna, and Bailey were the first to arrive.
“Zeke!” Cassidy rushed over to give him a hug. “You look great! You too, Sienna,” she said, embracing Zeke’s wife.
“Up, up!” Bailey said. Gabe lifted the little girl into his arms, his heart melting when she patted his cheeks. “Abe. Abe.”
“We’ve been teaching her your name,” Zeke said with a grin. “She has trouble with some letters.”
“You’re a sweetie,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll be your Uncle Abe, okay?”
“Abe!” Bailey repeated, then squirmed to get down. Bemused, he set her back on her feet. Just then Flynn and Taylor walked in. Instantly, Bailey ran toward them. “Flynn! Flynn!” she called.
“What am I, chopped liver?” Cassidy asked as Flynn lifted Bailey into his arms.
“She seems to prefer men these days,” Sienna said with a sigh. “I’m sure that’s Zeke’s fault.”
“Hey, I’m not any happier about that than you are,” Zeke protested. “I’ll have to sit on the porch with my service weapon when she starts dating.”
More teammates arrived, and soon the hall was full to the brim. Rhy and his very pregnant wife, Devon, had brought their fourteen-month-old daughter, Colleen. Brock and his wife, Liana, looked happy, their marriage stronger now than ever before. Joe and his pregnant wife, Elly, stayed near Rhy and Devon. From the concern in Joe’s eyes, Gabe could tell he was worried about Elly overdoing things as she was due on the day after Christmas. Steele and Harper brought their seven-month-old daughter, Amelia, and soon the three girls, Bailey, Amelia, and Colleen were playing together in a corner of the room.
Roscoe and Libby also had a baby boy named Freddy, but the two-month-old was too young to play on the floor with the others. Raelyn and Isaiah brought their adopted son, Leon, too. At thirteen, he seemed more inclined to hang out near the adults than with the little kids. Last Gabe heard, Raelyn and Isaiah were also planning to expand their family, either by having a baby of their own or adopting another.
Maybe both.
Grayson and his wife, Eve, were also expecting. Jina and her husband, Cole, were allegedly heading down that same path as were Brock and Liana. As he gazed around the room, Gabe realized there would be no better time than this.
He loudly clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. It took a few minutes, but then Rhy whistled loudly through his teeth, and that was enough to make everyone stop talking.