Page 7 of Cassidy

Gabe was the expert in that area, but she hated to put more pressure on him. She felt bad enough about not insisting he go to the hospital.

After seeing what had been done to his house, she had decided against forcing the issue. She didn’t know who had assaulted Gabe or why, but she sensed he was right about staying under the radar.

But if his memory didn’t return by morning, she’d insist he get checked out. She felt certain Rhy would back her on that too. Maybe she could wait until morning to call him. Things may have changed for the better by then.

“Where are we headed?” Gabe asked.

“My place. I have a condo in Greenland. It should be safe enough for tonight.”

He glanced at her. “Have I been there before?”

She arched a brow, then nodded slowly. It must be difficult to not remember basic things you’d done. Places you’d been. People you worked with. It was concerning to her that Gabe didn’t remember Rhy, their tactical team captain, whom he worked very closely with on a daily basis, but had remembered her. Not just her name, but her phone number. “Yes, you drove me home a few times when my car needed repairs.”

“Oh. Okay.” He glanced around with interest. “Maybe I’ll recognize it when I see it.”

She hoped he would, but when she headed down her street to the cluster of condos lining the west side of the road, he didn’t say anything. When she pulled into the driveway, he sighed.

“Guess not,” he muttered half to himself.

Once they were inside, he paused. “You said I dropped you off. Have I been inside?”

“Just once. Why, does it look familiar?”

“Not really.” He turned to look at her. “Do you want me to sleep on the sofa?”

“No, I have a guest room.” Jina had lived with her for several weeks prior to moving in with her then fiancé now husband, Cole Robertson, after a fire had destroyed her home. Something the old Gabe would have known. “Follow me, I’ll show you the way. The guest room has its own bathroom.”

“You have a very nice place,” Gabe said as she flicked on the light. “I appreciate you allowing me to stay.”

She squelched a flash of annoyance. It wasn’t Gabe’s fault that he didn’t remember their friendship the way she did. “Anytime. Any of the other members of the team would do the same thing.”

That seemed to surprise him. He lifted his suitcase onto the bed. “I was thinking we should look through pictures, see if they spark my memories.”

“Now? It’s a little late.” She regarded him thoughtfully. “Is this your way of asking to borrow my computer?”

“Yes. I was hoping you had one,” he admitted.

She hesitated. “I’m not sure you should be looking at a computer screen while suffering from a head injury. I think you should get some sleep first. We can go through pictures tomorrow, hopefully when you’re feeling better.”

He looked as if he wanted to argue but then sighed. “Okay. You might be right. My head is killing me.”

“Get some rest.” She gave him a quick hug. “I’m glad you’re okay. And I’m sure you’ll feel better by morning.”

“Good night, Cassidy.” His voice was low and husky in a way she’d never heard from him before. Then again, the poor guy could barely remember his own name.

She closed the guest room door behind her, then crossed the hall to her room. Pulling out her phone, she was about to plug it into the charger when a text from Rhy popped up on the screen.

What’s going on?

She should have known the dispatcher would call if she didn’t. She texted back.Gabe was assaulted and his home broken into. Laptop and other personal items were stolen.

An instant later, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. “Cass? How is Gabe? Who assaulted him?” Rhy demanded.

“Sorry, I would have called, but I didn’t want to wake you and Devon,” she said. “I am concerned, though.” She quickly filled Rhy in on the sequence of events. “We’re at my place now, and I’m hoping his memory returns by morning.”

“Amnesia isn’t common.” Rhy spoke in a hushed tone. “Back when my brother Quinn’s wife, Sami, had amnesia, it took several days for her memory to return.”

Days? She winced. “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t take that long for Gabe.” She couldn’t think of a way to explain how different Gabe seemed now, so she didn’t mention it. “I’m encouraged by the fact that he remembered me and my number. I hate to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t been able to get in touch with one of us.”