Chapter Eight
Kitty's fingers grippedthe steering wheel tightly as she guided the truck back towards the carnival grounds. The tension between her and Leo hung heavy in the air, an unspoken weight pressing down on both of them. Their argument in town had left a bitter taste in her mouth, souring what should have been a sweet first date.
As they approached the carnival's entrance, a figure caught Kitty's eye. A woman stood near the gates, her posture rigid with anxiety, looking decidedly out of place among the gloomy banners and eerie attractions.
"I wonder what she wants,” Kitty said. “The carnival won’t open until sundown.”
Leo's sharp intake of breath was answer enough. His eyes widened, a mix of shock flashing across his face. "Laura," he breathed.
Unease flickered through her as Kitty parked the truck.
“That’s my sister,” he said.
Relieved that it wasn’t a former lover, Kitty could now see the resemblance. They shared the same golden-brown eyes, the same high cheekbones. But where Leo exuded raw, feral energy, Laura seemed fragile. Her skin was pale, almost translucent, and dark circles shadowed her eyes.
“Your sister came to visit you. That’s a good thing, right?” Kitty asked.
Leo didn’t say anything but got out of the truck and ran over to her. Kitty followed, unsure if she should hang back to give them their privacy. In the end, curiosity won out over manners.
"Leo." Laura reached out, her hand trembling slightly.
He hesitated for a moment before pulling his sister into a tight embrace. When they separated, he turned to Kitty, his expression guarded. "Kitty, this is my sister, Laura."
Laura's eyes darted between Leo and Kitty. "I saw the two of you on the Twisted Carnival’s YouTube channel. I had to come here right away.”
Kitty winced. She wanted to tell Laura she wasn’t the person social media had made her out to be. Before Kitty could say anything, though, Laura's composure cracked. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned back to Leo. "I'm here to take your place," she blurted out. "To free you from this curse."
Leo's face contorted with anger. "No," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Absolutely not."
Laura flinched at his tone but stood her ground. "It's my fault you're trapped here. Let me fix it."
"What's going on?" Kitty asked.
Leo's jaw clenched, his gaze fixed on a point in the distance. It was Laura who answered, her words tumbling out in a rush.
"I was dying," Laura said. "Stage four breast cancer. I didn’t have a lot of time left. I was desperate. Chemo, radiation, alternative medicine, none of them worked. So I researched the impossible. Magic. As I said, I was desperate. Then on the dark web, I came across the Twisted Carnival. We tracked it down. Leo went with me.” Laura hiccupped up a laugh. “I think he thought it was all bullshit. But then we met Madame Noir. She offered to cure me, but the price was Leo being cursed to be a lion and to perform in the carnival for the rest of his life.”
“And if you try and change the bargain,” Leo said. “The cancer will come back.”
“It should have been my price to pay, not yours. I said no. But he said yes.”
“I volunteered. I have no regrets.”
Kitty's mind reeled. That was how she felt about saving Brutus. How could Leo be such a hypocrite? She started to get angry again. The carnival pulsed under her feet.
"You’re alive,” Leo continued. “That is worth every minute I’ve spent as a lion.”
“But you’re imprisoned here,” Laura said. “Every night. You can’t leave for any length of time. You’re tied to this carnival forever.”
“I’m not going to lie and say it’s been easy.” Leo shifted his gaze to Kitty. “But lately, there has been a bright spot.”
But Laura wasn’t listening. "It’s been ten years.”
Ten years. Kitty felt her eyes grow wide.
“You’ve paid enough. I’ve had ten years I wouldn’t have had. I can’t live with the guilt anymore.”
"There’s no need to feel guilty," Leo snarled, rounding on his sister. "I made this choice. I won't let you throw your life away."