My doctor—she worked on various kinds of Supes—was sitting beside me. She had her stethoscope hanging around her neck, and she was holding my wrist, staring at her watch. As I stirred, she motioned to Penn, who was standing nearby.
“She’s awake.” She turned back to me. “What’s your name?”
“Kyann Sarasan. You’re my doctor. That’s Penn. What’s going on?” I tried to sit up, but she shoved me down again. She was a healer with more strength than she knew what to do with.
“Stop. Lay down. Okay, you know who you are. Where are you?”
“In my bedroom.” I quickly ascertained that I wasn’t going to be jumping out of bed until she allowed me to.
“What day is it?”
That was a little harder, but I finally said, “It’s Friday, the eighth. At least it was when I woke up first thing.”
“Correct, though it’s now late morning. Okay, let’s take your temperature.” She pointed a thermometer at my head and scanned me. “Normal. Foryou. Your pulse sounds fine. Your heart sounds good. How do you feel?”
“Like somebody playedWhen the Levee Breaksusing my head as a drum set. My head feels like it’s burning. I’m not surewhat’s going on. I had one drink last night…actually, no. I didn’t drink. I had club soda. Can I sit up?”
She helped me sit up. I groaned and leaned back against the headboard.
Penn was texting someone. She looked over at me. “I texted Dante. He says he’ll be here in half an hour.”
“He doesn’t have to come—” I started to say, but then leaned back, my headache so bad I couldn’t keep my eyes open. “What the hell’s going on?”
“I’m not sure, but you’re not sick, that I can tell. This is something else,” Doctor Lana said. “That’s why I’ve called someone over to check you out—a colleague whose specialty is working with demons and their anatomy.”
I froze. I’d never met anyone who specialized in demon anatomy. I cleared my throat. “Not…in forensics, I hope? I’ve never heard of a demon healer before.”
“They’re around. Rare, but there are several specialists in the states—and one is here in Seattle. His name is Seton Anthony. He’ll be here in a few minutes. His practice is near here. Anyway, we need to figure out what’s going on with you.”
I leaned forward, pulling my knees up so I could rest my head on them. “I have no clue what happened, but I need to be on my feet by tonight.” A thought hit me. “My cats…they need food…”
“I fed them,” Penn said. “They’re fine. I also cleaned their water fountain while the doctor was examining you.” She turned to the doctor. “Should I bring her some water?”
“Water shouldn’t hurt. Go ahead, but I’d make it room temperature so it doesn’t give her a worse migraine than she has.” Dr. Lana sat beside me, taking my hand. “You’ve seldom been sick, so this is a bit of a surprise. I’ve sewed up several wounds on you before, but this is different. Can you remember when you started feeling sick?”
I shook my head. “I think when I woke up.”
“Have you been trying any drugs lately? Tell me the truth. Or odd liquors?”
Again, I shook my head. “No, not that I know of.”
“Well, rest. I’ll bring in Seton when he shows up.”
“Don’t let the cats out?—”
“They’re indoor only. Penelope already warned me. We’ll be careful.” The doctor tucked the covers over me, then headed out of the room.
Penn returned with the water. She had poured it into a water bottle so I couldn’t drop it and break it. I took a few sips, then handed it back to her. “I have no idea what happened to me.”
“Could it be something to do with the curse you said the vampire had on him?”
I shrugged, instantly regretting it. “I have no idea. Can you close the drapes? It’s too bright.”
As Penn went to close the curtains, the doctor returned, a tall, geeky looking guy with her. He looked young enough to be someone’s little brother, around nineteen, but he had to be older than that.
“Kyann, Penelope, meet Seton Anthony. That’sDr. Seton Anthony, actually. He’s not only an MD with a specialty in demon anatomy, he’s a healer, as well, specializing in rare Supe varieties.” She turned to him. “This is our patient is Kyann Sarasan. And this is Penelope Fircrest.”
The doorbell rang.