Page 23 of Shadow Seeking

“I’d rather you don’t. I don’t want a record that I’ve been here.” She pointed to the file folder. “In fact, I’d rather that you didn’t keepanyrecord that I’ve talked to you.”

Oh boy, one ofthose. Ten to one, she was a conspiracy theorist of some sort. They were usually the ones that distrusted any records being kept. Why, I didn’t know. Maybe they thought we were affiliated with the government, though we weren’t. Even when I promised them that we kept a tight rein over who had access to any recordings or file notes, it didn’t seem to make a difference. It made me wonder why they bothered coming to us in the first place.

“I’m sorry, but we have to. We can’t do our job without taking notes and keeping information handy,” I said.

“But…” She turned to Dante and turned on the charm. “Can’tyoumake an exception? I really need your help.” She turned on a pout. “I think my boyfriend’s cheating on me.”

Dante gave me a sideways glance that said ‘help.’

“We can’t make an exception, and since I have the final decision, I’m sorry. Unless you agree to the fact that we take notes and we keep them, we can’t help you.” It occurred to me that the fact that she was trying to use her sexuality to influence the case, it was probably better off that we avoid her.

Rowan narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?” She turned to Dante again. “Can’t you change her mind? Who owns this company?” Her demeanor instantly turned hostile and the willowy grace vanished as she leaned forward.

“Kyann owns the company and I agree with her,” he said, giving her a frosty look.

“Has my boyfriend hired you to keep you from helping me?” She turned up the volume, looking outraged.

Yep, she was trouble.

I closed the file folder. “I’m afraid we can’t help you, Ms. Leaf. You’ll have to find someone else to take your case. We’reoverbooked as it is.” As I stood, she jumped up and grabbed her purse.

“You can’t refuse me! I’m a customer and the customer is always right.”

“You may be a client, but you’re notourclient. Icanrefuse you, and Iam. As the owner of Shadow Blade Investigations, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. And flirting with my employee will get you nowhere.”

She huffed. “I am outraged?—”

“Dante, ask Orik to step into here, please.” I wanted her out of the office, and on our watch-list. Dante jumped up and exited the room. I turned back to Rowan. “If you’re truly concerned about your boyfriend, you need to be polite to the person who might be able to help you. That’s the best advice I can give you at this point.”

“But…” She paused, glancing back at the door.

I had the sudden feeling she was lying about something. At that moment, my phone jangled. I glanced at it and saw that Dante had texted me.

i realized, that woman’s been watching me for awhile. i see her at the gym and the past few weeks, she’s always there when i go to workout. i have an odd feeling about this.

I glanced over at Rowan, suspicious. “So, Rowan, where do you live? Does your boyfriend live in town?” I tried to keep my voice casual.

But she narrowed her eyes. “Why do you want to know? You’re not going to take my case and you won’t let Dante help me?—”

Bingo. If she really wanted our help, she would think I was reconsidering and she’d answer me. I had worked with too many weirdos to ignore the signs of a stalker.

“Dante is my business partner, but yes, I’m the primary owner. Now, I suggest you leave, Rowan. We have a busy day and I’m sure you have other things you need to do.”

She flounced to the door, but then stopped and turned back. “Dante doesn’t love you, you know.”

So, Dante was right. She had a thing for him and was looking for a way to get to him.

Orik came in at that moment, catching the last of the conversation. He gave me a guarded look.

“Orik, please escort Ms. Leaf out of the building and make sure she leaves the parking lot. If she resists, call the police and have her trespassed.”

“I’m going, I’m going!” Rowan said. “Can I say goodbye to Dante?”

“I don’t think that’s appropriate,” I said.

“Miss? Come with me,” Orik said, but the way he said it, it wasn’t question, it was a command. She flinched, then followed him out.

A moment later, I followed and stopped by Sophia’s desk. Dante was nowhere to be seen and I assumed he was hiding out in his office. I texted him once Orik led Rowan out the door, and he joined us as I was talking to Sophia.