Lush carpet ran along the entire length of the floor.

“There is a full bathroom just through there,” he said, pointing through the dining room. “As soon as we reach cruising altitude, I’ll have breakfast served if you’re hungry.”

My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly and that smirk was back.

“Breakfast it is. Do you prefer facing forward or backward?” He lifted one eyebrow and I could read double meaning in his words, though he tilted his head to indicate my choice of seats. I sank down into the one facing the co**ckpit and sank down into the most comfortable chair I’d ever sat in in my life. It cradled my body like it was made just for me.

I ran my fingers over the armrest. The leather felt like cashmere it was so soft. I thought about the grimy coverlet on my bed in the little motel I was staying in, and shook my head in disbelief at how much my surroundings had changed in a few hours.

Madden sank down opposite me.

“I’d never leave this thing,” I said. “If there was a bedroom it would be perfect.” When he lifted an eyebrow I couldn’t stop the burst of laughter. “Seriously? There’s a bedroom?”

“With a king sized bed.” Was it my imagination or did his voice deepen when he said that? I licked my suddenly dry lips. Would we be taking advantage of it later? As if he’d read my thoughts, his eyes darkened.

My breath stopped when he leaned forward close enough to reach out and touch me. Then his hands were at my waist. Joining the mile high club in this would be an experience for sure. A metallic click brought me back to my senses. He was already settling back into his own seat and putting his seatbelt on.

“Good morning, Sir,” a pleasant woman’s voice said just behind me. I craned my neck and saw a beautiful blond standing there. She had on a red blazer and cream colored pants. Her hair was up in a very neat French twist. Her smile bespoke more than a passing familiarity, and when I glanced at Madden, he had an equally easy smile on his face.

Had, I didn’t even want to think about it.

“Hello Gretchen. This is my guest, Ms Kinsey. We’ll be ready for breakfast as soon as we’re settled.”

“Very good. I’ll let the captain know that you’re ready.” She walked past and my eyes followed her. She was tall and willowy and so graceful. Maybe he’d had her bent over that couch, her hands behind her back...I clenched my hands in my lap and tore my gaze away. It didn’t matter if he had. It wasn’t like I was there as anything other than his companion for the weekend, though the why part was still unexplained.

When he had someone like that or the woman from his office available to him at any time, why would he want me to be the one for the next two days?

I was about to ask when the captain’s voice came over the intercom. “We’re about to begin our taxi and there is one plane ahead of us, so we should be in the air in just a few moments. Our cruising altitude today will be forty-one thousand feet and we are on schedule to arrive at our destination in two hours and fifteen minutes. Flight attendant, please prepare for takeoff.”

I gripped the arm of the chair as the plane jerked forward. “How often do you fly?” I asked.

“Usually once a week. Sometimes more depending on what we’re working on.”

I could feel my chest growing tighter. “So statistically you’re at a greater risk of crashing because you fly more. Are there parachutes on this plane?” Not that I’d have the first idea how to use one.

Warm fingers rested on my hand. “Skylar, look at me.” The commanding tone in his voice made it impossible to do anything but lift my gaze. I saw concern and compassion glittering in his eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I swear.”

The plane bumped down the runway and I glanced out the window. The runway was moving past faster now. “But what if…”

He squeezed my hand. “Eyes on me.” His thumb stroked over my wrist where my pulse hammered. I looked at him again. “Do not look away,” he said. The plane’s engines revved higher and then I was pressed back against my seat as it picked up speed, racing down the runway.

“Do you like to skinny dip?’ he asked.

I shook my head. “I’ve never done it.”

A devilish grin spread over his lips. “We will remedy that this weekend. There’s nothing like swimming with the feel of water against your bare skin. I think you’d quite like it.” He lifted my hand and I could only watch as he pulled it to his mouth and pressed his lips to my palm. His tongue came out and seared my skin.

It took enormous effort not to close my eyes and sink into the sensation. The black in his eyes grew bigger and thick eyelashes shadowed his cheeks every time he blinked. It was crazy, the way my body responded to his touch. He must have seen it too, because his nostrils flared and his free hand came to rest on my thigh. As he slid it slowly upward, my legs trembled and parted slightly. I had no control over my reaction. He was the puppet master and I was just the marionette.