Page 62 of Tarnished Embers

“Maybe you boys can help?” a soft feminine voice suggests, and I nod into Oct, still not ready to face the room.

“We can do that. What do we need to do?” Oct questions, and they spend the next few moments helping to take my blood pressure and temperature before taking out the wires and the drip that I no longer need.

I keep my face pressed against Oct, taking gulping breaths of his summery scent into my lungs, letting it calm my racing pulse.

“All done now, Ember. I’ll leave you to rest and be back with some food in a bit,” the feminine voice says, and seconds later, there’s the soft sound of the door closing.

“It’s just us now, sweetheart,” Kit whispers as he presses a light kiss on my cheek. My eyelids droop, all the adrenaline leaving me exhausted.

“Rest now, Little Sis. We’ll keep watch,” Oct assures me as my eyes close fully. “We’ll never leave you alone again.”

* * *



Prince and I wait in the cold wet night, the skatepark along the river deserted.Why the fuck does it rain so much in England?

I glance at my watch, noting that it’s nine-fifty-nine and they’re not here yet. I would have thought that they would be early, given their revered reputation.

The sound of footsteps rings out, and I glance up to see three figures emerging from the misty darkness. All the hair stands on end along my arms under my coat when they pass by a streetlamp and I see black masks covering their faces, rendering them completely unrecognisable.

My pulse thuds as they get closer. They look like apparitions, dark demons waiting to take our souls, and that’s exactly what Prince promised them; a favour at some unspecified time in the future. It could be as simple as gathering some intel, or they could ask us to kill someone, you never know with these guys.

They stop a couple of feet in front of us, the guy in the middle stepping forward. It’s funny, I’d always believed there were four Fallen to each sect or group, but rumour has it that this sect, Lucifer’s group, lost one of its members last year and no one knows why or how.

“Prince, Caspian,” a dark voice greets us from the man in front.

“Lucifer.” Prince inclines his head respectfully, and I copy the move. You don’t disrespect the Fallen and expect to come away still breathing. Adrenaline makes my muscles tense, my pulse rapid as I straighten.

Lucifer reaches into a briefcase that I hadn’t realized he was holding before pulling out a black folder.

“This is the information you asked for, but in short, there seems to be several coverups with the deaths of Richard Everly, Brant Johnson, and Michael Scott.” My heart explodes inside my chest, my fingers clenching into fists at his words, at the truth of what that bitch did to my dad, to all our dads. “The autopsy reports all suggest interference of some kind, suggesting they did not die of natural or accidental causes.”

Prince takes the folder, his nostrils flared. There’s a slight tremble in his hand as he pulls the folder close.

“Thank you, Lucifer,” he chokes out, and my brows furrow when I glance at the stoic leader to see him reaching into the briefcase and pulling out several other folders. “What are they?”

“All the evidence of the parties Odette threw, the payments into her accounts, and a USB with videos that she took during the parties,” Lucifer states, his tone completely devoid of emotion as he hands one folder to Prince. Nausea swirls in my stomach, bile burning my throat at the knowledge that there are videos of us fucking all those women. That was not something I knew was happening. Then he holds out another folder. “This is the true and final last Will and Testament of Robert Everly.”

“What?” Prince’s voice is a rasp, and I can barely hear it over the blood rushing past my ears.

“It states that Ember Everly was his sole heir and that his business was, in fact, thriving. Congratulations, she’s a very wealthy young woman.”

“Fuck,” I whisper, and Lucifer’s masked face turns to gaze at me. It’s disconcerting, but the shock at having learned the depth of Odette’s deception makes it seem like it has less impact. Finding out that we didn’t need to go through everything we just did is going to be a bitter pill to swallow. Then he holds out the final folder.

“The names and addresses of the four men who raped your stepsister,” Lucifer states casually as he presents the last black folder to Prince, and for a moment, I can’t breathe, can’t hear past the rushing of the wind in my ears.

“How did you know?” Prince asks, his voice darkness personified as he takes the folder.

The side of Lucifer’s lip quirks up, the only part of his face not covered by his mask. “No charge for that one or the others, just one favour owed as agreed.”

He shuts the case, then turns his back on us and strides away past the other two masked men.

“Make it hurt,” the one on the left says, his hair pitch-black in the dark. His voice is fucking scary, a low rasp like a rattlesnake’s just before it strikes.

“Then fuck her in their blood,” the one on the right suggests, his tone light and playful like his almost grey hair which shines silver in the moonlight before they follow Lucifer and leave us in the dark.