Page 119 of Forsaken Oath

“You’re my best friend,” I grind out, trying to keep my voice steady. “But I’m telling you right now to tread carefully.”

“Sure thing, Thorne. And as yourbest friend,” he pauses with a sneer. “I’m trying to figure out what the fuck you’re doing. I didn’t think you were this dumb, Thorne.”

I stare at him, everything inside of me locking down tight. My muscles tense, my nerves sparking like I’m gearing up for a fight.

“What did you just say to me?” I’m proud of how calm my voice is.

He tips his chin up, his eyes darkening as he looks at me. “You ever stop to think what’s gonna happen if you both make it to the final race, hm? You think that motherfucker is gonna what, just let you win because he fucks you sometimes?” He shakes his head with a pitying tumble of laughter.

I lock everything down tight and say, “What I do is none of your business.”

He scoffs, his smirk widening. “Nah, baby. That’s where you’re wrong.Everythingyou do is my fucking business. Like how you’re a whore for the Carters. That’s a problem for Seven Pines.”

I stare at him, my chest rising and falling as I try to rein in my anger. Without another word, I walk to the door and swing it open. “Get the fuck out of my house, Nate.”

“Your house?” He laughs darkly, shaking his head. “Damn, baby, did you forget you live in Seven fucking Pines?”

“Nate, I swear to God, if you don’t get out right now, I’m going to forget our lifetime of friendship.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Nate?” Margot’s voice thunders from the hallway. Her footsteps follow a second later, and she storms into the room like a fire-breathing dragon.

“Margot,” I snap, trying to head her off.

“No, I don’t think so,” she bites back, her eyes blazing as she stalks toward us. I slide in front of her, my body a barrier. I don’t think Nate will get physical, but I don’t trust Margot not to.

“You’re going to stand there and disrespect my sister like that? After she’s had your back every fucking day?” Margot seethes, her fists clenched.

“Stay out of it, Margot. This doesn’t concern you,” Nate growls.

“The fuck it doesn’t,” she spits. “Get out of our house, Nate, or you won’t like what happens next.”

He chuckles, low and humorless. “Fucking Hawthorne girls. They warned me you’d be just like your momma, but I didn’t believe it. Not until this morning when I watched you fuck that piece of shit Carter?—”

The slap comes before I even think about it, my palm connecting with his cheek in a sharp crack. My hand stings, and tears blur my vision, but I don’t let them fall. I’ve never slapped anyone before, and I can’t say I like it. But I couldn’t listen to another word of his vitriol.

“Get out, Nate,” I say, my voice steady despite the tremor in my chest. “We’re done here.”

He rubs his cheek, his expression icy as he glares at me. “Yeah, we are.”

“You don’t realize what you’ve done, Nate,” Margot snaps, her voice shaking with anger. “But you will. And when you do, you’ll be fucking sorry.”

He doesn’t even look at her, his accusing finger pointed at me. “You don’t realize whatyou’vedone, Thorne. You took an oath the day you took your first job, Thorne. And Seven Pines doesn’t fuck with Carters. If you’re with him, you’re out. Levi’s orders. Make the right decision or I’ll be back to collect.”

“Don’t come back, Nate. Whatever friendship we had? It’s over now.”

Without another word, he storms out, slamming the door behind him.

The door rattles in its frame from the force of Nate's exit, the sound echoing through the stunned silence that settles over the room. I stare at the closed door, my mind reeling, trying to process what just happened.

Margot exhales sharply beside me. “What the actual fuck was that?”

I shake my head slowly, still in a daze. “I don’t know.” My voice comes out small, lost.

She rounds on me, her eyes wide and worried. “Louie, what was he talking about? A video? You and Beau made a fuckingvideo?”

My head snaps up at the judgment in her voice. She holds her hands in the air, palms up and toward me.

“Shit.No. Not like that. It’s just, how the fuck did he get the video?”