Page 104 of Forsaken Oath

His words wrap around me like a warm blanket, but I can’t shake the niggling sense of unease in my stomach. I turn to him, searching his face. “Did you get a text?”

He arches an eyebrow at me, a smirk playing on his lips as he fishes his phone out. “Speak of the devil,” he murmurs, turningthe screen toward me so I can see the message before he even looks at it himself.

Unknown Number: Congratulations, you’re advancing to the next round.

Unknown Number: 42.2165, 89.0587. 4PM tomorrow. Don’t be late.

The same message that just lit up my own screen moments ago.

I grin at him. “You’re in.”

He only smirks at me. “I wasn’t worried, Peach.”

Amusement bounces between my ribs. He really rides the line between confident and cocky. “I actually believe you,” I say around a laugh.

“Good, baby, because I’ll never lie to you.”

My breath hitches at his sincerity. Goddamn, I do believe him.

Cora pushes back her chair, the loud scrape pulling my attention from Beau’s handsome face. She stands, smoothing her hands over her lacy white sundress. “I’m going to grab dessert,” she announces with a smile.

Vivie’s head pops up from across the table, her eyes bright with curiosity. “Can I help?” she asks eagerly, already halfway out of her seat.

Cora’s smile widens, her blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “Of course. I’d love the help.”

Vivie beams, rounding the table to join Cora. As they disappear into the hallway, Graham leans toward Beau.

“Hey, I need that favor now,” he says, voice low and even.

Beau’s head snaps toward his brother, his brows knitting together. “What?Now?”

Graham shakes his head, his jaw tight. “Yeah. I need you to back me up.”

Beau hesitates before dipping his chin in a severe nod. “Alright. What do you need?”

Cora and Vivie return, both carrying trays laden with an assortment of mouthwatering desserts. The sweet, buttery scent of freshly baked pie wafts through the air.

Vivie carefully sets her tray down, revealing personal-sized lattice-topped pies.

“We have mini pies tonight,” Cora says, beaming. “Cherry, lingonberry and lime, apple and cheddar.”

The golden crusts glisten under the warm glow of candlelight. Steam curls invitingly from the slits in the top, hinting at the bubbling, syrupy filling within.

“Wow,” I mutter. “Those look delicious, Cora.”

Her cheeks flush, and her grin grows wide. “Thanks. I hope you like it.”

Graham stands up, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor. He clears his throat and rolls his shoulders back. “Before we get into pie, I need everyone’s attention for a moment.”

Hazel dabs her mouth with her napkin, looking at her oldest son. “What’s going on, Graham?”

“Is everyone free three months from now? Saturday?” Graham asks.

Beau glances at his brother, an eyebrow raised in question. But he catches on quickly, a slow grin spreading across his face.

“We’re free. Aren’t we, Peach?” Beau says, leaning back in his chair.

“W-what?” I cut him a look. I don’t understand what’s going on, but one glance around the table, and I know we’re all in the same boat.