Page 134 of Forsaken Oath

Graham had entirely too much fun burning down Seven Pines from the inside—after he got Peach her money first, of course. The thing about crews is that they’re built on a pyramid of loyalty. All it takes is for a couple of carefully placed bricks to crumble, and then it all tumbles to the ground.

Luckily for me, my brother is an expert Jenga player.

Next on the list was Darla. In an envelope, in the middle of the island, are the official custody papers for Vivienne. We were able to pull a few strings and get the whole thing expedited, and our lawyer has been more than accommodating. That probably has more to do with the large retainer we gave him.

Peach carries a box into the kitchen, placing it on the counter.

“If you just wait a few more days, I can help you, baby.”

She grins, skipping down the stairs to the garage for her fourth trip. “Not a chance. You’ve got a punctured lung. You’re not doing shit for weeks.”

“It’s a minor puncture.Minor. Doctor said I’d be right as rain in a couple weeks,” I counter, pitching my voice louder.

“I love you, but bullshit,” she calls over her shoulder as she skips back downstairs.

“God, I’ll never get tired of hearing that,” I say with a happy little hum.

“Gross,” Viv grumbles.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Viv. Loving your sister is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” I say, my voice softening. “And I plan on telling her that every single day for the rest of our lives.”

Viv’s nose wrinkles, but I catch the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Still gross. But I guess it’s kind of sweet too. I’m glad Louie is happy.” She shrugs, trying to play it cool, but I can see the genuine affection shining in her eyes.

Peach bounds back up the stairs, her peachy-blonde hair bouncing with each step. Flushed cheeks from exertion, a sheen of sweat glistening on her brow, her whiskey eyes are bright and alive with joy. She’s never looked more beautiful to me.

I push myself up from the couch, ignoring the dull ache in my ribs. “Viv, look away for a sec, yeah?”

Viv groans dramatically, but obediently covers her face with her hands. “Hurry up before I’m scarred for life.”

“C’mere for a sec, baby.” I reach out my hand for her.

She drops a small box on the coffee table and slides her hand into mine. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Need something?”

“Yeah, baby, I do.” I pull her in close, my uninjured arm wrapping around her waist. Her body molds to mine like we were made for each other, two puzzle pieces finally clicking intoplace. I brush a stray curl from her face, tucking it behind her ear with a tenderness that still surprises me sometimes.

“I need you,” I murmur, my voice low and rough with emotion. “Forever.”




The bathroom is quiet, save for the faint hum of the exhaust fan. I sit on the edge of the tub, staring at the little white stick in my hands like it’s a live grenade. My heart hammers in my chest, each beat louder than the last, drowning out every rational thought I might’ve had five minutes ago.

Two lines.

Two. Lines.

I don’t know what I expected. Okay, maybe I do. I expected one line, the kind that makes you shrug and move on with your day. Not this.

This is . . .

“Shit.” I mutter the word under my breath, the reality crashing into me like a rogue wave.

We weren’t even trying. We talked about kids, sure, but in the “someday” sense. Someday after we’d traveled a little more, afterVivie graduated high school, after we’d checked off every box on our adventure list.

Some. Day.