Page 84 of Good Pucking Luck

I immediately join him, feel my dick spasm in what must be, hands down, the best hole in the world. Pleasure keeps rolling through me, cock still spurting, filling Rylan with my release. Holy fuck, I’ve never come so hard in my life.

And then I collapse.

Maybe die.

But if I were dead, I wouldn’t be able to feel his chest vibrate with laughter against mine, wouldn’t feel his strong arms around me.

“Damn, that was good,” he says, and I wonder how he’s able to form words. I’m not sure I can.

“I should clean up the mess,” I say. He always does when he fucks me.

“Nah, we’ll deal with it later. I don’t want you to leave this spot.”

His hold on me tightens, and I wish I never had to leave this spot either, Rylan’s pecs against my cheek, his breath in my hair.

“We’re going to make this work,” I tell him.

“Damn right we are. You’re mine, cutie. And I don’t ever plan to let you go.”

Possessive Rylan is totally fucking hot.



We take anap, then wake up and I fuck Hayes this time. Having a boyfriend is the best. Not just because of all the hot sex, but because it’s Hayes. I’m so damn proud of him and the way he stood up for himself, with both me and The Prick, and how he went to his friends when he needed to talk to someone. Those things aren’t easy for him, but he’s doing his best, and goddamn, I look up to him for it.

We talk a little more about what happened with Malcolm, and I tell him how Mads helped me realize what an idiot I am.

“I’ll have to thank him,” Hayes says, which makes me grin. I love the idea of Hayes and Mads officially meeting, and I’m stoked to meet his friends as well.

We cook dinner together, then eat on the back deck. “Are you sure you’re okay to wait until after the season?” I confirm. “It’s not because of you. It’s just—”

“It’s fine.” He reaches over and places his hand on mine. “Really. I swear. I need to prepare for all the ways this will change my life too.”

“Okay. And if you decide you’re not ready, then we’ll discuss that too.”

“I’ll be ready. You’re my guy, and I don’t want to hide you.” He gives me a shy smile while returning what I said to him earlier.

“Fuck, I love you.” I kiss the corner of his mouth. “And I’m going to take you on a date as soon as it’s possible.”

“Do you love me enough to meet my parents?”

Well, shit. We’re really going there, aren’t we? “Damn straight. When?”

“Right now? I just want to do it. Malcolm never spoke to them, and my mom’s worried I’ll get hurt again. It’s different with us, and I want to show them all the ways it is.”

Jesus, I’ll never be so thankful for a random, out-of-town hookup again. “Let’s do this.” I tug his chair closer, and Hayes pulls out his phone, making a video call.

A woman answers—she looks a little like Hayes, only with sharper features.

“Hayes. Hi. We’re heading out soon, and—oh,” she adds when she sees me.

I give her my most charming grin.

“Mom. Can you grab Dad real quick too?”

“Sure, honey,” she tells him, but her gaze doesn’t leave mine. It very much says,You fuck with my son, and we’re going to have a problem.It’s a look that says how much she loves him even if they don’t have a close relationship or she doesn’t show it in the ways I’m most familiar with. “Philip, can you come here?”