Page 72 of Good Pucking Luck

“No. It’s fine. Just let me go talk to him.” I go into the house and find Hayes in the kitchen. The house is open concept, with the kitchen right across from the living room, so there’s not really anywhere for him to hide. He has his face in his hands, though, and that makes me feel guilt too.

“I’m an idiot,” he says.

“Have you met me?”

“I’m serious, Ry. What even was that? It’s like my brain short-circuited. I kept telling my mouth to stop moving, and it wouldn’t.”

My parents haven’t been here long, but it’s been like this the whole time. “It’s okay. No one here will judge you. Just be you. I adore you, and they will too.” I drop my forehead against his, and Hayes wraps his arms around me.

“I don’t want to embarrass you.”

My body stiffens. “What? You don’t embarrass me. Not ever.” When he doesn’t respond, I pull back enough to tilt his head up with a finger beneath his chin. “I love who you are. You’re the first person in my twenty-six years to ever make me feel this way, to make me want the things I want. I’m fucking proud to be yours.”

Hayes buries his face in my chest, arms tight around my waist. “I don’t understand the way you make me feel…like I’mmore.”

“You deserve to feel like you’re everything.”

He inhales sharply, and then I swear, I feel him smile into my pec. “Do you think your parents can forget everything that’s already happened?”

“Sure, if you want, but they don’t need to. We don’t expect perfection—well, unless it’s on the ice. We just want real, and no one is that more than you.”

Hayes nods, standing up straight, renewed resolve in his gaze. He takes my hand, and we walk together back to the deck.

“Sorry. This is new for me, and I’m a bit of a mess,” he tells them.

“Oh, sweetheart. You have nothing to apologize for,” Mom assures him with a kind smile.

“We came armed with embarrassing Rylan stories, if that helps,” Dad tells him.

Hayes pulls away and grins. “That definitely helps.”

“See? I knew I liked you.” Mom winks at him. My chest is fuller than it’s ever been, and somehow, I know everything will be okay.



“Iwas neverinto hockey before Rylan. It’s a little annoying that now I’m watching every game, and even when I’m busy with work, I’m sneaking away to check the score and curse out any player who touches him,” I tell Julia and Mace. We finished eating a while ago and are now in the living room. Puck is on my lap, Rylan beside me, his parents seated in the living room chairs.

Things have gone a lot smoother since I decided to try and hide in the kitchen. I’m still me and awkward, but I’m doing my best not to let that bother me. Rylan likes me, and most of the timeIlike me, and the times I don’t, I’m working to change. What else can I do?

“Oh, same,” Julia says. “I can’t say I was happy about it when he first wanted to play. Working in the rink, I’d seen a lot of kids get hurt, but he loved it so much, no way I wouldn’t support him.”

“And now she’s the biggest hockey fan you’ll ever meet,” Mace adds. “She knows every random hockey statistic you can think of, and donotget between her and the screen when her baby is playing.”

“Best. Mom. Ever,” Rylan says. He shifts on the couch, and I see him wince.

“It’s been a while since you had any pain medicine. I’ll go get you some and more ice.”

I try to stand, but Rylan says, “I’m fine. I can—”

“Nope. Not listening. Don’t move.” He needs to take care of himself. He has another game tomorrow, and I worry about him taking another hit.

“Yes, sir.” Rylan chuckles, making me realize I got bossy with him in front of his parents, but I don’t let that worry me. If he’s not going to take care of himself, I will.

I go into the kitchen and grab his ibuprofen, an oven mitt, and an ice pack from the freezer. They’re still talking hockey when I get back, so I quietly put the pills in his hand and give him a glass of water. Rylan takes them, and then I sit beside him, pressing the pack to the spot on his torso I know is hurting him, using the oven mitt on my hand so it’s not too cold for me.

My face begins to flame with heat. I can tell his parents are watching me. “I like to do this for him. I know he has a wrap that can hold it in place, but…” Rylan gives me so much, and I like to try and find things to do for him too. That’s way too embarrassing to say, so I keep it to myself.