Page 77 of Promised in Blood

Dammit, he’s right. It would be so easy to tune into their thoughts and find out what they’re keeping from me. “Except if I think any of us are in danger,” I remind him with a triumphant grin.

“Nobody is in danger.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head before tipping his chin at Malachi. “You’d better go.”

Malachi offers me a smile and does his best to hide his disappointment, but even without reading him, I can still tell from the slight droop to his shoulders and the lack of shine in his bright-green eyes. “Catch you later, sweet girl.”

I give him a halfhearted wave. “See you later, Kai.”

Without another word, Xavier guides me down the hallway to my next class, and I’m left wondering what just happened. It doesn’t feel like anything bad is going on. Xavier is humming softly to himself, and I don’t feel any fear or anxiety from the others, but still… “What’s going on? Why did Kai have to leave?”

Xavier laughs and shakes his head. “Because he’s too much of a sap for you.”

I elbow him in the ribs. “No he’s not.”

He responds by laughing harder and wrapping me in a loose headlock. Then he presses another kiss on the top of my head but still doesn’t answer my question.

“What does that even mean, Xavier?”

“There’s nothing for you to worry about, Cupcake. Let’s just get your classes done with so I can get you home.”

There is no mistaking the change in his tone when he says those last few words, and it’s enough to send shivers of excitement racing down my spine. The boys don’t know thatthe curseis lifted yet, and I cannot wait to tell them. I have it all planned out. I try to tamp down my excitement before Xavier feels my giddiness and tickles the truth out of me. I’m so wrapped up in my own plans that I almost forget he’s hiding something from me too.

I don’t intend to read his mind, but I kind of can’t help it, and I probe inside for a clue. Casually, without breaking a step, he wraps his large hand around my throat and squeezes gently. “Rude, Cupcake.”

“Wait! You could tell I was—?” Embarrassment at being caught out heats my cheeks.

“Yes.” He gives me yet another kiss.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Sometimes I just… I’m sorry.”

He stops walking, and a second later, I’m pinned to the wall of the hallway. Students move past us, throwing amused or concerned glances our way, but I guess the fact that I’m not struggling prevents any of them from stepping in. “There’s no need to be embarrassed. And I like you inside my head. But you’re not getting in there today.”

“You can block me out?” I ask, awed. I know how much the professor believes in his abilities and how my lessons have been helping him develop his own powers too, but I didn’t realize how far he’d come.

He caresses my throat with his thumb. “As long as you don’t push too hard. I think, anyway.”

My cheeks hurt with the force of my smile. “I’m so proud of you!”

“Yeah, well, you can show me just how much later, Cupcake.” The playfulness in his tone is enough to assuage any fears I had about something bad going on. Now I’m simply more curious than I have ever been in my life. I open my mouth to ask a question, but before I can, Xavier seals his lips over mine and kisses me.

No questions either.

So unfair,I grumble. Well, as much of a grumble as I can muster while Xavier is kissing me the way he is.

I stayedout of Xavier’s head for the rest of the day, but I did bombard him with questions, all of which he skillfully avoided answering while somehow also managing to stokemy excitement. We reach the porch, and my curiosity is so heightened that I feel like I might burst.

“Am I going to find out what you’ve been keeping from me soon?” I ask, bouncing with the effort of containing my glee.

He lifts my hand to his lips and brushes them over my knuckles. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Cupcake.”

“Liar,” I huff as we walk into the house. Malachi’s energy hits me as soon as we step inside. He’s almost as giddy as I am. “What the hell is going on?” I whisper.

Xavier jerks his head toward the kitchen. “Go see for yourself.”

I practically run down the hallway and burst into the kitchen. The sight that greets me has me both stunned and deliriously happy. A giant unicorn balloon sits in the middle of the table, and pink glittery balloons are strewn around the room, clashing with the classic red and green Christmas decorations that I insisted we needed. A congratulations banner is strung from the upper cabinets, and paper plates and cups that match the balloons are set out in each of our places. The over-the-top unicorn cake is decorated with colorful lollipops and sprinkles, and I can’t wait to dig in. But best of all, Malachi, Axl, and Alexandros are here too. Malachi almost knocks me over with the force of his hug, and I struggle to catch my breath. “W-what is all this?”

“It’s your party, princess,” Axl says, pulling me from Malachi’s arms and into his.

Xavier stands behind me, his chin resting on my head. “Congratulations, Cupcake.”