Page 60 of Promised in Blood

“Are our students safe?”

“Do we need to do anything about the humans?”

“What does this have to do with the wolves?”

“Are all vampires implicated or only Ruby Dragon?”

My ears ring. So much heightened emotion in one room is overwhelming, and I struggle to keep a lid on my temper. Why can’t they just listen?

“Enough!” Alexandros barks, and the room falls silent.

“We do not know why the witch was targeted.” He lies with such ease that not even the most well-trained eye could pick out a hint of falsehood in his expression or body language. I had almost forgotten how skilled he is in the art of deception, and I must admit that it’s impressive to see him in action. “Nor whether there was a definite attempt to implicate me or any other vampires, or whether it was a purely random attack.”

“Only a powerful being could break one of Enora’s protection spells and enter that house uninvited,” Professor Collins says.

There are mumbles of agreement.

Alexandros clears his throat. “That brings us to our other suspicion. We believe dark magic was used.”

Another chorus of gasps, mostly from the witches. “H-how can you possibly know that?” Professor Collins asks.

“I am not here to reveal my methods, Raquel,” he says, protecting Enora without having been asked to. Again, I’mstruck by their obvious deep friendship which I was entirely unaware of. “My intent is simply to alert you all to the possibility that Skotádi have breached the grounds of this campus. And if so, then all of our houses are potentially at risk. So do what you need to strengthen your perimeters and protect your students.”

“The Skotádi? Are you sure?” This question comes from the youngest of the Crescent Society heads, James Black.

Alexandros scowls. “We cannot be sure of anything yet. That is why we are only warning you and not bringing this to the attention of Dr. Ollenshaw.”

“So you’re keeping Ollenshaw out of the loop?” Professor Morrone from Opal Dragon raises his eyebrows.

“Do you think it wise to alert the university president to a potential Skotádi threat, Phillipé?” Alexandros asks.

“Ollenshaw is a fool. He would have the entire campus under lockdown and in a state of panic before the day is out,” Nicholas declares, and for the first time I can recall, I find myself agreeing with the head of Onyx Dragon.

“We all know he is little more than a figurehead,” one of the Crescent leaders adds.

“Useless,” someone else mutters.

Professor Benedictine, head of Lapis Dragon Society, stands. “Everyone knows that the true power of this school sits within this room. I agree with Alexandros. There is no need to alert the rest of the faculty at this time. Mass hysteria is not productive for any of us.”

“Wouldn’t want to lose access to those tasty snack bags of yours if the humans got a sniff that their kids may be in danger, huh?” James Black says, folding his arms and grinning.

“James!” Osiris warns his counterpart, but Alexandros has already moved, and he stands directly in front of the young wolf. He cracks his neck, and the room falls deathly silent.

“My family built this university before your grandfather was even a pup. It exists for the benefit of all nonhuman species who wish to seek refuge here, you insolent little fuck.” Each word is sharp and colder than ice, and the wolf’s face blanches, but he has the audacity to growl anyway. “That is why each society bears a part of my family crest. Should you feel like challenging the status quo here, then I would be more than happy todiscussitwith you in full when I have more time.”

James drops his head, avoiding my sire’s eyes. “My apologies, Alexandros. I spoke out of turn.”

Without acknowledging his apology, Alexandros addresses the room once more. “You will each do whatever is necessary to ensure the protection of your house. We will keep you abreast of any new developments as they come to light. In the meantime, we will attend Jerome’s faculty meeting. We will assure him that our defenses are being fortified and that this was a random attack. There will be no mention of the Skotádi.”

It’s a command, not a question, and everyone in the room knows it. Everyone voices their agreement, but there is still a small undercurrent of suspicion rippling through a few people in the room. I can’t help but worry about Ophelia and how long we’re going to be able to keep her secret.

“I was hopingto speak with you in private, Alexandros.” President Ollenshaw’s tiny eyes narrow further as he regards me with disdain.

“There is nothing you cannot discuss with me in front of my sireds, Jerome. I trust them implicitly, as should you.”

I roll back my shoulders and look the president in the eye, pride swelling my chest.

Jerome gives a furtive glance around, but most of the faculty members have already left the English lecture hall, and only a few stragglers congregate near the coffee machine in the small kitchenette in the corner of the room. “You seem convinced this was a random attack on Silver Vale.” His voice is little more than a whisper.