“Leave them on?” Axl steps up beside us.
“Yep.” Xavier curls her hair around his fist and tilts her head back. “Because I have a much better idea. You know what you’re gonna do now, Cupcake?” he asks, his voice dark and dangerous.
“W-what?” she pants, shivering in the cold.
Oh fuck yeah.
Axl grunts his approval as his eyes rake over Ophelia’s body.
She blinks at the three of us. “Run?”
I bite down on my lip, willing my cock to stop throbbing so I can think clearly. Is this too reckless? What if we lose her?
Ophelia gasps. “Yeah, what if you lose me?”
She can read fucking minds now too? Dammit! “How can we lose you when you can read our minds? And we can talk to you the whole time.”
“But I’m cold.” She shivers again.
Axl growls. “You won’t be soon.”
“And what happens when you catch me?” The scent of the sweet cum already dripping from her pussy fills the crisp air around us.
Xavier laughs darkly. “Then we fuck you.”
She sucks in a deep breath that makes her tits jiggle, and subsequently, my cock jumps in my pants. “You won’t let me get lost?”
We all shake our heads. “Not a fucking chance, baby,” I assure her.
She glances over her shoulder. “It’s getting dark.”
Axl shrugs. “So use your powers to make some light.”
“Every day’s a school day, Cupcake.”
She looks at me as if seeking my reassurance. I could throw her to the ground right now and fuck her here, and no one would be mad about it. But there is something insanely fucking hot about hunting her. Tracking her unique scent. The most difficult part will be making a sport of it. She’ll be way too easy to find.
“Do I get a head start?” she asks.
Axl snorts. “Of course. You’ve got two minutes to get as far away from us as you can before we hunt you down…”
“And fuck you,” Xavier finishes for him.
The slender curve of her throat convulses, and after a few seconds, she nods her agreement. Then she spins on her heel and takes off into the trees, a streak of color disappearing into the night.
I impatiently tap my foot on the ground.
“Who’s gonna catch her first?” Axl asks.
“Me,” Xavier proudly declares.
“Don’t care as long as I get to her eventually,” I say, but the thought of being the one to catch her and sink into her tight little pussy while they wait their turn has my blood thundering through my veins.
I can still feel her close by. Still smell her scent. She’s going to be too easy to catch. Her time is almost up, and we’re getting ready to move when my heart bottoms out of my chest.
She’s gone.