Page 141 of King of the Cage

Elio nodded at me. He moved toward the place Aldo had disappeared. I trusted him to see to it.

I walked to Giada, the cold air wrapping around me, turning my skin to ice. I arrived at her side. “What’s going on, wee one?”

Giada smiled at me. It was like a sunrise.

“This is Alice. She’s my friend,” Giada said. It was a hell of a situation for an introduction, but whatever.

“Nice to meet you, Alice.” I glanced at Regina, who stood watching us.

“And what about her?”

“Her?” Giada faced to Regina. “She tried to kill me, and to make you her boytoy.”

I blinked at my wife. “And so?”

“And so, she needs to die,” Giada announced. She eyed Regina. “Take a walk, Regina. Keep walking until I say stop.”

Regina started forward. I watched with morbid fascination as she approached the lip of the building.

Without a second thought, she walked right off the precipice and disappeared. She didn’t even scream.

I jogged to the edge and stared down. It was the dead of night, and there was no one around. Her body was splattered on the street like an egg fallen on tile.

I straightened and returned to Giada. Declan had taken her friend inside, sheltering her from the wind with his jacket.

Giada shivered under my hands.

“I would give you my shirt, wee one, if I had one.”

She laughed. “I know.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to my lips.

“Wow,” I breathed when she pulled back. “Jealousy is a bloodthirsty look on you. I like it.”

“I wasn’t jealous!” Giada exclaimed. “Okay, fine. I was. I didn’t like her coveting my husband, or my life… It’s mine.”

“Yes, it is. Now, we need to get out of here. I’m pretty sure between my family and yours, this building is either going to explode or be burned down by morning, so it’s time to go.”

“I need to get into the computer first. I need to scrub the formulas of Regina’s work from everywhere I can find it and then plant a virus the system never recovers from.”

“Can’t we just blow it up?” I asked.

Giada rolled her eyes. “What about the virtual places the data is stored?”

Right.I scratched my head. “Right, well, I’ll leave that to you then, my clever little wife. I’m pretty sure a good number of Enclave cockroaches fled.”

She shrugged. “If I have Regina’s laptop, it doesn’t matter. We can hunt them down, one by one.”

I laughed. “Sounds like the perfect honeymoon, selkie.

She grinned and nodded. “Yes. It really does.”

“Let’s get the computer and get the fuck out of here. Even if I have to tie you up and steal your skin… you’re coming home with me.”



The Selkie’s Rest was bursting at the seams with O’Connor men and Elio and the De Sanctis mercenaries. Aoife was run off her feet seeing to everyone. She blushed and flirted and fixed her hair in the mirror. She seemed to have a soft spot for flirtatious Italians.