Page 114 of King of the Cage

I stared at her. “What happened? Were those men part of The Enclave?”

Regina looked stricken. “No! I mean… kind of not. It’s Aldo Sepriano… he’s had a problem with you and Bran for weeks. He’s convinced Bran killed his brother.” She sighed. “He had his security team carjack you and bring you here. He wanted to give you a polygraph, like we did to Bran.” She tutted and shook her head. “Idiot. Archibald is seriously reconsidering his value to the society.”

“I have to call Bran,” I said quickly. “My driver was hurt, too.”

Regina nodded. “Okay, we’ll do that, just get yourself together first. Why don’t you wash up and come out to the sitting room, and I’ll find Bran’s number. Your phone got smashed, I’m afraid.”

Fury flowed through me. Aldo, that stupid motherfucker.

I nodded and slid out of bed. My clothes were all dirty from me being dragged to another car unconscious, and my palms were a mess of dried blood and small cuts.

“I’ll send someone with a first aid kit,” Regina said, wincing.

I went to the bathroom once she’d gone.Holy shit.That could have gone so much worse. What if Aldo hadn’t brought me here? What if Declan was seriously hurt?

My head throbbed, and I felt like shit. Aldo was out of control. He was dangerous. He knew about Enrico, and it was time to take him out. It was beyond time. Bran getting hurt had set us back, and in that bubble of falling for someone for the first time in my life, I hadn’t seen the danger closing in.

A knock sounded at the door.

“There’s a first aid kit on the bed,” a female voice called, not Regina’s.

“Thanks,” I called back and headed to the bedroom. The kit was a little box. I opened it, rooting through for some Band-Aids. A small piece of paper fell out onto the bed. I picked it up, about to stuff it back into the box, when my name caught my eye.

I smoothed it open, and my blood ran cold.

Giada. Regina isn’t who she seems. Don’t trust her.

I flew to my feet,clutching the note.What the hell?I started through the room after the girl who had left the box.

The living room of the apartment was large and Gothic-looking. The view from the windows showed that we were high up. The extended ceilings with cornicing, bay windows with velvet drapes, and massive fireplace reminded me of The Tartarus Hotel. With dread, I went to the window and stared down at the street, recognizing the position immediately.

ItwasThe Tartarus. Archibald and Regina lived at The Tartarus Hotel.

Before I could fully process that, Regina came into the room. She had a phone in her hand.

“Oh! You’re done. Did you get the first aid kit?”

I nodded, my throat tight.

Regina isn’t who she seems.

Those words were haunting me right now.

“I’ve called Bran. He’s on his way,” Regina said with a smile.

Relief filled me. “What about Aldo?”

Regina sighed. “As soon as he showed up here with you, Archibald laid into him. This isn’t what we’re about, and besides, you and Bran are practically members. He’s walking a thin line.”

I nodded and wandered around the room as she watched me. I wanted to get out of there, but my gut told me to play along for now.

Huge gold-framed paintings of all sizes hung on the wall. I stopped in front of one and studied it. Regina came up behind me.

“This is impressive,” I said to fill the silence.

It was horrible to look at. In it, a picnic was laid out in a dark, lush forest. On first inspection, the food appeared delicious and juicy. But when I peered closer, I made out worms and maggots in the food. It was rotten. And a very familiar style.

“I think I’ve seen this artist’s work before. Aldo invited me and my friend to that show, actually. He said the painter was a member of The Enclave.”