Page 111 of King of the Cage

“Anyway, I guess I’ll have to survive without you a little longer. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m good,” I said quickly, without even thinking about it.

Sol was quiet for a long moment. When she spoke, she sounded satisfied. “You are, aren’t you? You’re really good. You sound it. You sound… happy.”

“You said that like you’ve never heard me happy before,” I protested mildly.

Sol snorted. “Your words, not mine.”

“I’ve got to run right now. Let’s see each other soon, okay?”

I checked my monitoring systems for anything I needed to erase. The boss was literally in the honeymoon period with his new bride, so apart from a few hiccups, there weren’t any fires to put out.

My phone vibrated on my desk with another incoming call. Assuming it was Sol again, I put it to my ear without checking the display.

“What is it? I can’t play with you right now,” I teased by way of greeting.

“I-I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” Regina Calloway’s voice hit my ear.

I spun away from my laptop and stared out of the window, gripping the phone tightly.

“No, it’s good. It’s fine. How can I help you?”

Regina sighed. “I wanted to check on Brandon again, now that he’s home. I’ve been so worried about him. Archibald's methods can be draconian. I know he thinks he’s doing it for the greater good, to follow in his father and his grandfather’s footsteps, but I have to wonder why we can’t evolve with the times.”

“Yeah, public lashings are pretty last century. Bran is fine. He’s pretty tough.”

“Yes, he is, isn’t he. He’s an impressive man, but I suppose you know that, being his wife.”

I had no idea what to say to that, so I said nothing.

“Anyway, I was also calling because… I’ve not been able to sleep for thinking about how the group has treated you since you joined. You must think the worst of us. I wanted to tell you that you can trust me, even if you don’t trust anyone else. I wasn’t always part of The Enclave. I barely feel part of it now. I used to have another life, a career. A place in the world that wasn’t in the shadows. I’m not your enemy, Giada.”

I swallowed hard. I felt for Regina. I couldn’t imagine marrying a man like Archibald and finding out what depraved shit he was into after the wedding.

“You can trust me, Giada. Let me prove it to you. Ask me anything and I’ll answer, as honestly as I can.”

“Really? ‘As honestly as I can’ could be interpreted a lot of ways,” I mused. I didn’t know what Regina’s angle was here, but there was the slightest possibility that she was being sincere. I had to find out.

“There was a Jane Doe found in Central Park a few years ago, and she had a brand on her wrist. It was The Enclave logo. Can you tell me anything about that?”

Regina was quiet, then said, “I don’t know who you mean, but I’m sure it can’t be related. I know The Enclave seems old-fashioned, but it’s just an investment group at the end of the day.”

I snorted. “An investment group that flogs people and gives them polygraphs to join?”

Regina was quiet, and a deep voice sounded in the background.

“I-I have to go,” she said quickly, fear in her voice.

“What’s wrong? Is it Archibald?”

“I’m sorry,” Regina said and hung up.

What the hell? Could I really be surprised if another woman associated with The Enclave was a victim? No, not at all.

I stood at the window and stared down. The experience with Bran had shaken me, more than him, it seemed. Regardless of what he’d told me, I still felt guilty at what had happened to him. I was less gung ho at the idea of rushing into Enclave business now. I had skin in the game. I didn’t want Bran to get hurt again.

A loud motorcycle pulled to a stop in front of the building, twenty floors below. I couldn’t make out much more than the general shape, but my tummy tightened as a message came in.