We all take turns passing around the chicken, eggplant, pasta, and red sauce. It’s hard to keep my focus off Blaire as she interacts with my family.
“You know I’m gonna ask, so tell me how work is,” our dad says with a bit of a slur. Last year he suffered a few strokes that left him with some physical and cognitive challenges. He never complains and he doesn’t let anything hold him down. Because of it though, he did step away from his position as CEO of the distillery way before he was ready to. The four of us know he likes to be kept in the loop, so we do our best to fill him in and let him be a part of as much as possible. He’s enjoying early retirement at home with my mom, where they’re happiest.
“Actually, I’ve got news,” Liam says while trying to wrangle Charlotte into the seat between him and Hannah.
“Let’s hear it, son.”
“I’m workin’ on something new. It’s gonna be long-term and may take a bit to get it right since the rules are stupid specific, but hopefully, in two years we’ll be tasting our first straight bourbon whiskey.”
“Are we really?” my mom asks.
“I mean, we gotta make sure we do it right, which I’m confident we can. The fermented corn has to be distilled to no more than 160 proof and aged in new charred oak barrels, which we can do. There’s more to it, but I’m damn excited about it.”
“Seriously, it’s all I’ve heard about for weeks now. He hasn’t stopped researching and talking about it, even though I don’t understand half of what he just said,” Hannah chimes in.
Hannah and Liam have been best friends since they could walk. One is never far from the other, and we all thought they’d end up together someday. Little Charlotte came unexpectedly, courtesy of Hannah’s piece of shit boyfriend, Levi. He’s in and out of both of their lives, but Liam stays put. Whether any of them admit it or not, Liam’s been a surrogate father to Charlie since the day she was born. She may have been a surprise, but that little girl is an honorary Hayes, and we all love her so much.
“It sounds great, Liam. Blaire, we have loved seeing what you’ve done in such a short amount of time. The event went so well, and all the changes are such a beautiful addition.”
Blaire replies to my mom with a smile on her face, “Thank you. That means so much to me, coming from you. It’s been such a pleasure.” Her voice takes on a happy, enthusiastic tone reminiscent of Tinkerbell rather than the vile Maleficent she reserves just for me.
I choke on a bite of pasta, coughing into a quick laugh. “Sorry, sorry. Please, Blaire, continue,” I say while taking a swig of my whiskey.
“How do you like working at the distillery?” my mom asks her.
“Honestly, it’s been incredible. I’m thankful for the opportunity to create this additional business for you all. I love the event aspect, and Sawyer, Carter, and I have a meeting after the new year to discuss hosting larger events like weddings. Sawyer and Ivy’s will be the first, and while it’s very small and intimate, it’s going to give me a great?—”
“You’re not serious, right?”
“Dallas,” my mom admonishes.
“Mom, you guys can’t be on board with this. Weddings? Why not just call in a damn circus. Hell, a petting zoo would bring in more business, too, if we’re just fuckin’ off with any idea. Let’s do that. Liam! We know anyone who’s got livestock for sale?” I yell down the table.
My sister, Kinsey, slaps me on the back of my head. “Dallas, stop being such a dickhead! Can you seriously not be nice?”
Kinsey is the youngest of us five, and with four older brothers, she’s a perfect mix of feminine and take-no-shit. While she doesn’t ever box with us and is half our size at least, I’d bet good money she could kick our asses.
I rub the back of my head when Blaire speaks up, my eyes shooting to hers.
“Kinsey, it’s okay, really. Dallas didn’t get his way, and like most toddlers, is struggling with having big feelings right now. Aren’t you, little man?” she says in a condescending, mocking tone that is all her.
The room goes silent for a split second before they all erupt into raucous laughter. I’ve never seen Blaire smile so big and bright that it lights up her entire face. I clap my hands slowly.
“Well done, princess. I knew you could show them,” I say directly to her with a wink before finishing off my drink.
“Alright, alright,” Sawyer says, getting everyone’s attention. “So, Ivy and I wanted to talk to you all ahead of the wedding next weekend.” I look over at my mom, whose eyes are already glassy, as she covers her mouth with her hands. Everyone here knows what he’s about to share. The two of them have been talking about it since we were teenagers, and we’ve all been waiting for the announcement since Ivy returned. “Ivy’s pregnant. We’re having a baby!” he yells before leaning down and kissing her head.
The table erupts into cheers as everyone clambers out of their seats to get to Sawyer and Ivy. I lean back in my chair and lookat my twin brother. We all knew that as long as Carter didn’t accidentally knock someone up, and Ivy found her way back to Sawyer, he’d be the first to be a dad. He’s wanted to put a baby in her from the moment she got back into town, and based on the timeline, he did just that.
“My niece or nephew is in there?” Kinsey asks, her palm on Ivy’s tiny stomach.
“Yes! I want to say that it doesn’t feel real, but the constant morning sickness would make me a liar.”
I wait for everyone to give their congratulations before I get up and move toward my twin. I pull him into a big hug, slapping his back. I’ve never seen him so happy, and after everything he went through losing Ivy and then getting her back, he deserves every bit of the happiness.
“Didn’t waste any time, huh?”
“Fuck no. We lost ten years, I’m not waiting another second. I’m going to breed her until she can’t take it anymore.”