Page 118 of Crave Me

“I’ve never had a room before. Are there other kids?”

“There are five kids with another one on the way. We have a really big family.”

“That sounds nice. I’d like to meet them.”

Nadia’s parents were drug addicts like Blaire’s. They lived in and out of shelters and couch surfing at who knows whose houses. They both overdosed on the side of the road with Nadia in the backseat. She fished the phone out of her mother’s purse and called 9-1-1. She’s so mature for her age and it’s so unfair.

“Do you like writing?” Blaire asks her.

“Oh, I love it. I want to be an author when I grow up.”

“That’s a really incredible dream, kiddo. What do you like to write about?”

“Fairy tales. I love making up worlds. Nothing bad happens in them and everyone is safe.”

“I used to dream like that, too, when I was a little girl. But I dreamed of having a big family that kept me safe and loved me more than anything.”

“Did you get it?”

“I did, sweetie.”

On the trip home, I drive with both hands on the wheel, constantly checking on the little girl in the back of my SUV through the rearview mirror. Blaire and Nadia both seem to be handling this well, while my insides feel like they’ve been torn out and lit on fire in front of me. I can’t stop thinking about my beautiful girl at Nadia’s age, alone and scared, and then the evil that descended on her later in life. I know at this moment that I’ll die before anyone tries to hurt either one of them. Nadia has been given a shit start at life, but Blaire and I are determined to make sure not a day goes by that she doesn’t feel love and support.

I hang back and give the two of them some space while Blaire shows Nadia to her new room. When we found out that she would be coming home with us, our entire family worked through the weekend to transform the room into one a little girl would dream of.

“This is all for me?”

“It is. And if you don’t like something, we can change it. We want it to be your space and you should love to be in here.”

“It’s perfect! These are my favorite colors! And look at all of those books!”

Her face lights up and it makes me feel proud that we could provide her a safe place to call home. Once upon a time, I was able to chase all of Blaire’s demons away, I hope that together we can do the same for this little girl.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I excuse myself to let them talk while I check it.


How’s it going?


Yeah, kinda dying over here wanting to know


We’re home. She’s so sweet. Needs patience, love, and food.


You guys are the best people


Have you met yourself?


Everyone is eager to meet her when you all are ready