I just need to buy some time.
Chapter 43
Ifly through town, hitting a top speed of 100 before I see Reid’s bike up ahead. He’s fast, but my bike’s faster, or I’m just so far gone trying to get to Ivy that I’m reckless. I speed up next to him as we race onto their lane, spinning rocks and gravel as we fly up the long drive to the cul-de-sac. Whipping our bikes into the driveway, I’m off of it and running up her steps before I register anything else, Reid on my heels. Fear like I’ve never felt strangles me. I vaguely hear Dallas pull in fast behind us in his souped-up Audi, but my head’s under water. I race through the house, screaming her name, not finding her anywhere.
“Fuck, where is she, Reid? Where the fuck is she?”
“Breathe man, we’ll find her,” I think Dallas says from behind me.
We run through the house looking for any sign of her but she’s not here.
“Dallas, I can’t do this again. Where is she?”
Dallas grabs me by the shirt and shoves me hard against the wall.
“Get your fucking shit together. She didn’t leave you! She was taken! Her fucking jeep is still sitting out front. She needs you!”
His words hit their mark. She was taken. Fuck, this isn’t like last time. Her piece of shit ex-boyfriend has her.
“Over here!” Reid yells and Dallas and I jog over to where he’s standing at the back door that leads to the woods behind her house. He’s holding the thin gold chain with the small lion medallion. The gift I gave her for her birthday. She must have dropped it knowing I’d come looking for her.
“Fuck. The woods. Dallas, call the police, call our brothers.” I’m already out the door, Reid at my side.
Chapter 44
Iknow I need to buy myself time, and that no matter what I agreed to, I can’t get in the car with him. Who knows where he’ll take me and if I’ll have another opportunity to break free. The sky is angry and the rain starts to come down on us, quickly drenching my clothes, my shoes sliding in the mud at every step as we trudge through the woods behind my parents’ house. I stumble behind him as he keeps a brutal grip on my upper arm. A few steps ahead, I spot a patch of roots sticking out of the earth and I know this is my chance. Brooks steps over them and I scuff the toe of my Converse under it. Brooks yanks hard on my arm the moment he feels resistance and I go down hard. I screamout as loud as I can as I crash down to the forest floor, hoping like hell someone out here in middle-of-nowhere Aspen Ridge hears me. How long before Sawyer realizes something is wrong? Would Reid see my jeep parked out front all night and come to check on things?
I can’t leave him.
This isn’t how my story ends.
Chapter 45
Fear is holding me hostage as I race through the woods with my best friend, no idea what we’re going to find. If Ivy is hurt, I’ll never forgive myself for not getting here fast enough. I can’t fail her. There’s no other option. We hear a scream not far ahead and I grab Sawyer’s shirt to pull him to a stop. I motion with my pointer finger in front of my lips for him to be quiet. We both look around and listen. It’s definitely Ivy. It has to be. I motion with my head for Sawyer to follow as we walk as quietly as possible over the wet forest ground, the rain aiding us in our pursuit, muffling the sounds of our boots. We head in the direction of her yell, and it isn’t a few minutes before we hearher voice. I sigh in relief, but we still don’t know what we’re up against.
“Get the fuck up, Ivy, and don’t make another goddamn sound,” we hear a male voice hiss at her, and anger takes over all other emotions. I’ll fucking kill him. He’ll never have the opportunity to hurt another woman ever again.
Chapter 46
“Please stop, Brooks. You’re hurting me!” I plead as we reach a blacked-out car parked in a small clearing in the woods.
“I wouldn’t have to hurt you if you’d just behave. You shouldn’t have left me. I told you what would happen, didn’t I? I gave you far too much freedom, but that’s okay, I learned my lesson. I’ll chain you to my fucking bed if it means you never have the chance to leave me again. I fucking warned you!”“Oh, god,” I can’t help but say. What life was I on the path of living had I not left him? We reach the car and he tucks the gun into his pantsbefore pulling open the passenger-side door for me to get in. I know this is it, my last chance, I can’t get into this car.
I make one more attempt at begging him to leave without me. “Brooks. Please let me go. Please don’t make me do this. I don’t love you. You need to fucking let me go!” He moves quickly, grabbing my throat with his hands and squeezing. My eyes widen as I claw at his wrists with my nails. I throw my knee up as hard as I can and catch him in the top of the thigh. “You think I’m stupid enough to not be prepared for that again?” His hold on my throat tightens and my sight starts to darken as I gasp for air. I don’t want to leave this world yet. I haven’t started to live. I just got Sawyer back. I want a life with him. I want babies. I want to be a successful chef. There’s still so much to do.
How can this be the end?