Page 78 of Unravel Me

“Sure, shithead, sure.”

I turn and walk back into the kitchen, finding my mom. I open the fridge and pull out two Elysian Bifrost beers that I know Ivy will love. Not sure which of my brothers got ahold of a pack this early in the season, but I’m stealing two regardless.

“You need any help, Mom?” My mom stops chopping cucumbers for her salad and looks at me.

“I need to know that you’re okay and be reassured you know what you’re doing. I know you’re an adult but you’re still my baby.” She quickly bats away a rogue tear. I set the beer bottles down on the island and wrap my mom in a big hug. She leans into me and rests her head on my chest.

“I promise I know what I’m doing. I’m okay,” I reassure her as best I can. “Better than okay, Mom. I feel whole again, like I’m me again.”

“You two were always like that. Even from a young age. When you were apart it was like all the light died out from both of your eyes. I always hoped you’d two find a way back to each other. I’ll let Ivy tell me the story when she’s ready, but I support you. You’ve always got us behind you.”

I kiss the top of her head before releasing her. “I know. I love you.”

“I love you too, son. Now get back outside before your wild brothers eat her alive.”

I pick the beers up and head back outside to find Ivy sitting on one of the outdoor couches with Charlie sitting in her lap and Hannah and Kinsey on either side. Charlie is facing Ivy with her little hands clasped over Ivy’s cheeks, squeezing them together. Ivy makes a funny noise and Charlie breaks out in a fit of giggles that is infectious to everyone else around. I lean against the doorframe and watch her for a moment, and fuck if I’m not imagining what it would be like to see her with our daughter.

“Quit looking at her like you want to put a baby in her, shithead.”

“Fuck off, Liam. I do want to put a baby in her.”

“You sure about that? I was there when Han had Charlotte, they cry. A lot. Put Hannah through the ringer.”

“It’s worth it, though. Look at Charlie. Hannah would never change the fact that she’s here, and I know you wouldn’t either, you love that little girl.”

Liam looks over at the girls sitting together on the couch.

“Yeah, I do,” he confirms. “Don’t be moving things along too fast.”

“There’s no such thing as too fast with Ivy. She’s it.”

“Whatever you say, big brother.”

“How’s things with Levi?” I ask, to change the topic from me and Ivy.

“He hasn’t shown up in a month. Keeps making plans to come down and spend the weekend with them, Hannah shuffles around all her plans and then he’s got some excuse as to why he had to cancel. It sucks because I know if Charlie wasn’t in the picture, Hannah wouldn’t put up with this bullshit. She’s stuck. I want to kill the bastard for what he’s doing to them.”

“She’s lucky to have you in her corner. Just keep doin’ what you’re doing.”

“Yeah. What about you? How’s things with Ivy? She looks more settled today.”

“We’re good. Figuring it all out, moving forward. Pretty sure she’s taking Hendrix’s job at Barrel House, guess he decided to stay with his family, which worked out for us.”

“That’s great, man. I hope it works out.”

I pat my brother on the back before walking up to the girls.

“Hey pretty girl, I’ll set your drink right here for when you’re done playing with the toddler.” I wink at her. Her face lights up when she looks at me and I love the feeling of knowing that it’s just for me.

I sit back and enjoy my beer while everyone mingles and catches up. Ivy fills them in on working in a restaurant and raves about her friend Zoe and the things that she has gotten Ivy to do over the years. Zoe sounds more like a menace to society, but I’m glad Ivy has someone who loves her so thoroughly.

“Dinner, you hooligans!” my mom says as she waltzes onto the back porch, trays of food balanced in each of her hands.

She sets them down on the table and Carter and Liam follow her into the house to get the rest. I sit next to Ivy at the table and rest my hand on her thigh under it. I bob my head against hers to get her attention.

“You doing okay?”

“Better than okay. I missed this. Thank you for bringing me, not that you had much of a choice.” She laughs and I settle in next to her, letting go of the worry that plagues me.