Me: I made you pretty happy last night
Touching her like I did last night was mind-blowing. So much so I almost blew in my pants again, not needing her to touch meat all. Having her relax completely and allowing me to worship her body was such a gift. Damn if I don’t crave her.
Ivy: You mean after boxing when you fed me pizza and beer and we sat outside with the fire? That did make me happy.
Oh she thinks she’s cute.
Me: Nope. When I had you spread open in my lap and I worked your pussy over until you came all over my fingers. I know that made you happy.
Ivy: Oh. That. That was good too. Very. Very. Good.
Me: I had your cum all over my fingers, baby. I know it was good.
Me: I miss you.
Three little dots appear and then disappear several times, leaving me nervous and on the edge of my seat. I bounce my leg while I wait her out. I knew saying that I missed her was pushing it, but I can’t filter myself. She knows where my head is at.
Ivy: Then hurry home.
Home. Holy shit she called it home. I know she didn’t mean it the way she said it, but fuck if I don’t wish she thought of my house as her home. Of me as her home.
I bust my ass to get the rest of my work done for the day and I’m hopping back on my bike at five-thirty to race home to my girl. I park it out front before walking across the gravel driveway and taking the stairs of my porch two at a time. The smell ofgarlic, onions, and tomatoes immediately consumes me and my mouth waters. I remove my jacket, hanging it on the mudroom hall tree, and kick off my boots. I walk through the narrow entryway and stop in my tracks at the sight before me.
Ivy is standing in my kitchen, hair still piled on the top of her head, dressed in a tight tank top and a pair of denim jeans with bare feet. She’s got music on and her hips sway side to side as she stirs something at the stove. It smells delicious, almost as good as she does.
I walk as silently as possible before I sneak up behind her, sliding my hand across her side and around to her stomach before pulling her lightly into me. She doesn’t jump and instead leans into me, unable to resist. I kiss her temple lightly.
“Hi, butterfly.” I nuzzle into her hair, breathing in her cherry scent.
“Hi.” She wiggles a bit in my arms.
“I could get used to this.”
“Mmm. Yeah? I hope you like it. I remember you used to love Italian. I haven’t cooked in weeks and I’ve missed it so much. This is therapeutic for me.”
“Baby, you can cook for us as often and as much as you want. Tell me what you need and I’ll get it.”
I lean down and kiss her neck twice before releasing her and turning to lean against the counter.
“What are you making? It smells incredible.”
“Lasagna with bechamel sauce and a garden salad.”
“I can’t wait. Do I have time to shower and wash the day off of me?” I ask her.
“Absolutely. Go.”
I smack her ass and she whips around to face me.
“Sawyer!” she yells.
I grasp her face between my hands before taking her mouth in a deep kiss. Our tongues meet in the middle in a caress. Thekiss is deep and passionate, I can’t get enough. I drop my hand down to her hip and trail my fingers along the bit of exposed skin between her tank top and jeans. She’s so soft and I love how her body melts into mine.
She’s perfect. So fucking perfect for me.
I slow the kiss and pull her bottom lip into my mouth as I pull away, releasing it with a little pop.
She looks up at me, her eyes dreamy and lust-filled, and my chest swells with pride at how quickly I can turn her on, how good I know I can make her feel. I rub my thumb over her swollen lip before turning and heading straight to my bathroom for a quick cold shower. Withholding sex until I know I’m it for her is harder than I thought it’d be.