Page 61 of Unravel Me

I shoot daggers at Dallas.

“Seriously? Is that why you stole my chair? Killin’ time?”

He shrugs his shoulders. What an asshole.

“We’re not leaving until you give us something.”

“Alright, let’s get this over with. What do you want to know?”

They look at each other before turning back to me.

“Everything. What is she doing back?”

“How did you find her?”

“What the fuck has been going on?”

“Is she back for good?”

“Where has she been?”

Their questions come in rapid fire, and I put up my hand to stop them.

“I’m not going to get into Ivy’s business with you. It’s her story to tell and I’m still getting to the bottom of it, but she left because her mom convinced her that I was controlling the outcome of where she’d go to college so that she’d stay with me. She told her that Dad paid off the admission board to get Ivy in and that I wasall for it. She made it clear to Ivy that she needed to leave me and Aspen Ridge to guarantee she didn’t end up like her. Her mom really fucked with her head. There was some other stuff going on, but that’s between me and Iv.”

“Holy shit, man,” Liam says. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

“Yeah. She’s not doing so hot. I want to do whatever I can to help her feel better.”

“You don’t know why she’s back? What’s her plan?” Liam asks.

Carter sits back in his chair and rests his ankle on his knee, listening.

“So, some shit went down with an ex-boyfriend, and she found herself in a situation where she’s back here. Details aren’t important. She’s staying at my house, she’s safe, and we’re working through shit. That’s it right now.”

“What’s the endgame here Sawyer? You considering getting back together with her?” Carter asks, finally breaking his silence.

“It’s not even a question. You may not understand it because you guys were fourteen and sixteen when she left, but she is my endgame. She always has been. If she’s willing to stay and still wants me, which I think she does, then that’s what’s happening. Nothing, and I mean nothing will stand in my way this time, as long as she’ll have me.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“Excuse me?” I narrow my eyes at my brother.

“That’s bullshit. You talk like it’s all on her to decide what your fate is. She left you once and believe it or not big brother, I do fucking remember. I remember you not leaving your bed. I remember Mom crying because she was so worried about you and didn’t know what to do. Why the fuck is it all in her court? She’s the one who left you!”

I look at my youngest brother. He’s the most emotionally unavailable, stoic, easygoing one out of all of us. He loveswomen, but has never been in a relationship. I didn’t realize the effect my depressive episode after Ivy left had on him.

“Carter, I get it. I do. But Iloveher. I’ve never stopped, couldn’t if I tried. There is no me without her. I’m not saying you have to be her best friend, but you will accept her eventually. She is scared to death that no one in this town will accept her back into the fold, and I’ll be damned if it’s my own blood that makes her feel unwelcome. You don’t know what she’s been through, so don’t you dare fucking pass judgment on her.” My voice slowly rises and I notice Dallas brace himself in his seat, ready to get between us if needed. Probably smart, because I’m about two seconds from smacking the shit out of Carter.

“We got you, shithead. Right boys?” Dallas says, looking at our two brothers, trying to deflate the situation.

“We do,” Liam agrees.

“Carter?” Dallas says firmly.

Carter looks at me for a beat before nodding his head.

“Good. Now get out of my office and back to work.”