Page 54 of Unravel Me

“You should talk. I thought you were beautiful back then, but fuck, Ivy, now?” He rubs his hand over the coarse stubble on his jaw and shakes his head. “There aren’t words to describe how sexy you are.”

My face flames as a blush rises.

“Thank you for saying that.”

“I only speak the truth. Always have.”

He leaves that lingering in the air between us as words from the past drift through my head.

“I know we’re young, but I know we’re meant to be together.”

“I love you, Ivy, don’t ever forget that.”

“Easy, baby. Wish granted.”

“Like you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Like the world would come to a complete standstill if you weren’t in it. Like you’re the only girl I’ll ever love.”

“Do you really think you could do anything to make me hate you? Do you think I could share my life with anyone but youafter what we had? You think any amount of time apart could change how I feel about you, butterfly?”

“Do you think any amount of time has changed what’s between us?”

Tears prick my eyes but I hold them at bay. This man never stopped loving me. I buried it deep out of pure survival, but I never stopped loving him either. I get up from my seat and set my mug down on the coffee table before walking right up to him until our chests are pressed together.

“I missed you,” I whisper, before reaching up on tiptoes and kissing him.

He may not know it, but ever so slowly, he’s healing me.

Chapter 21


While Ivy showers, I check my phone for the first time since yesterday. A first for me. I’m never distracted, I don’t have the time or the patience for distractions. But Ivy is everything. I’d let the world go up in flames around us to get this time with her. I’ve got a shit ton of missed texts to sift through, but one stands out above the rest.

Mom: When were you going to tell me that Ivy has shown back up, son?

Fuck. I pull up my asshole sibling thread to find out who the snitch is.

Me: Hey assholes! Which one of you told Mom?

Kins: Someone told her? What happened to sibling privilege asshats?

Liam: Wasn’t me.

Carter: Nope. Dal?

Me: Being awfully quiet, Dickhead. Care to defend yourself?

My phone rings. Dallas. I roll my eyes before picking it up.

“Did you fucking tell Mom, Dallas?”

“Hi to you too. Works going just fucking skippy, thanks for asking, shithead.”

“Answer the question.”

“No. I didn’t tell Mom anything. But you know who did? Cause the whole town’s talking about it.”

Fucking hell. Ms. Nettie. Goddammit.