Sawyer drops cash on the counter and reaches forward to squeeze Charlotte’s foot playfully.
“Bye, squirt.”
She pulls her thumb from her mouth and waves at him.
My ovaries explode.
Sawyer leads me out of Bean Haven where we’re greeted by Winnie growling at him. This time, a laugh bursts free from my chest. I grab hold of Sawyer’s forearm to stay upright while I laugh at him. This dog really dislikes him.
“For fuck’s sake. Can we not do this every single time? Please pull Minnie’s teeth from my pants.”
“It’s WINNIE!” Ms. Nettie and I both yell in unison. I fall into another fit of laughter. “I always did like you, Ivy Turner.”
“Likewise, Ms. Nettie.”
Sawyer pulls me down the sidewalk as I hold on to him. He drags me into a narrow alley between two buildings and pushes me against the wall. I sober quickly and take him in. The huge smile on his face reaches his eyes, they squint slightly, crinkling at the corners, and that damn smile makes me weak in the knees. I can’t help but smile back. His palm snakes under the jacket I’m wearing and rests against the front of my hip. I can feel his thumb shift back and forth over my jeans.
“God, I’ve missed you.” His voice is huskier, deeper, and passionate. The words are backed by the way he said them, full of conviction.
The mood shifts, the air around us thickening.
“I missed you too,” I reply honestly.
“Did you think of me?”
“All the time. Did you think of me?”
“Every. Fucking. Day.” He punctuates every word.
His eyes glance down to my lips just as my tongue peeks out to wet them. He watches as my tongue swipes across and I pull my bottom one between my teeth. We’re standing so close that the rapid rise and fall of my chest brushes my breasts against him. His hand leaves my hip and comes up to slide against my face. I lean into it and close my eyes. His thumb moves across my lips before pulling my bottom lip free.
I look up at him as his head starts to lean down to mine.
Holy shit he’s going to kiss me.
And I want him to.
I want to feel him again.
He inches closer, giving me plenty of time to back out. I close my eyes and wait for the feel of his lips on mine.
My traitorous bitch of a body chooses that moment to make a god-awful loud rumble from my stomach that doesn’t go unnoticed in the quiet alley. He drops his forehead down to mine as we both laugh.
“Oh my god! I told you I was fucking hungry, Sawyer! Now feed me that damn muffin!”
“Let’s get you fed, baby.”
We sit down in the little alley, squeezed together, away from prying eyes, Sawyer looking very out of place squashed between the two brick walls.
My first bite of the warm apple cinnamon muffin is euphoric, the flavors bursting on my tongue.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
I take an unladylike large second bite and savor the flavors of warm, crisp apples, cinnamon, and yummy streusel topping.
“This is better than sex. Holy fuck.”