Page 36 of Unravel Me

Kins: Omg. Wait, are you serious?

Liam: Wtf. Are you okay?

Carter: She’s back for good?

Kins: Sawyer!

Liam: He’s probably talking to Dallas

Carter: That’s bullshit. Sawyer, wtf man

Kins: Come on. You can’t drop that bomb and then forget about us. Wtf?

Me: Dallas called me

Kins: Of fucking course he did, while the rest of us are forced to wait. Can you please fill us in now?

Me: I said I wasn’t going into details right now. Ivy is back in town. I don’t know her plans. I don’t know what it means. She’s just here right now.

Kins: Like here as in AR or here as in your house?

Me: Both

Kins: Sawyer please be careful. I know I was too young to fully understand but I don’t want you to get hurt.

Me: I’ll fill you guys in later. Keep it to yourselves and for the love of God don’t tell Mom and Dad.

I pocket my phone before opening the glass door and sneaking back into the house. The sight in my kitchen stops me in my tracks, coffee mug halfway to my mouth. Ivy is wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts. Her back is to me, and she’s on her bare tiptoes as she reaches, searching the cabinets, presumably for a coffee mug. Her long, lithe legs are on display, and her ass peeks out of the bottom of my T-shirt. I groan and cover it with a cough. She spins to face me, leaning against the counter, and places one of her hands over her heart.

“Jesus, Sawyer. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry. Morning. Get any sleep?”

“Uhm, kind of, I guess. Thank you. Mugs?”

“How about we go get some coffee and breakfast out?”

She fidgets with her hands and shifts from foot to foot. I didn’t realize my plan until I said it. I know she doesn’t want anyone in town to know she’s here, but she can’t stay locked up like a hermit forever.

I’m going to show her what life could have looked like here with me.

“C’mon. I’ll drive you back over to your parents’ so you can change, and we’ll go get some breakfast.”

“I don’t know, Sawyer. I don’t think anyone wants to see me.”

“You won’t know until you show your face again. Stop being so mean to yourself.”

Her hands move to the hem of my shirt and she plays with it between her fingers while biting her bottom lip before meeting my eyes again.



“Yeah. Let me go put my clothes on from last night, I can just wear those and we can go.”

She walks to the edge of the room before hesitating and looking back at me sheepishly.

“Can we take your motorcycle?”