“I looked over your proposal, Blaire. I’d like to move forward with the plans. I think it will add value and it makes sense. If you could have some design mock-ups made and send that over with the financials to Dallas we’ll get it in the works.”
Blaire smiles brightly while Dallas crosses his arms and shakes his head slowly. I feel his tension and I know he’s ready to pop.
“Thank you. I’ll get right on that.”
“One more thing. It seems that you two are having issues working together. Is this something HR needs to get involved in?”
Dallas’ head snaps up and he gives me one of his “you aren’t fucking serious” looks.
I’m not. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“I’ll be honest. It’s been a difficult first week,” she states flatly. Dallas rolls his eyes, but I feel the tension coming off of him in waves. His fists clench and unclench on the armrests, and he sits up taller in his seat. “But I really want this job and I would love nothing more than to make it work here,” she pauses and shifts in her seat before continuing, “I just have one stipulation, if that’s okay, Sawyer?”
Aaand POP.
Dallas cocks his head to the side and begins to turn in her direction in a move that reminds me of one of those horror movie dolls whose heads slowly rotate all the way around. It’s eerie as fuck and I have to hold back a shiver. Blaire is undeterred and holds her ground.
“And you feel that during your first week of work, you’re in a position to put stipulations in place for your employment? Whodo you think you are?” Dallas’ voice is calm and controlled, but the deep, menacing way he delivers it matches his creepy as fuck facial expression.
I’m debating excusing Blaire from the room for her protection while I get an exorcism performed on my twin before she replies to him. I sit back and cross my arms over my chest deciding I’d rather see how this plays out.
“I do. Because the CEO thinks I’m a worthy member of this team and I was hired to fill a need. I’m good at what I do and I know I can add value to this place, but I also need this job. It seems to me like we both need each other. So, yes. I think I am in a position where I can put a stipulation for me to stay sinceyouare creating a toxic work environment.”
“Dallas,” I warn. I watch my brother closely as he shuts his eyes and inhales. His hands white knuckle the armrests as he struggles for composure. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at Blaire.
“Fine. What’s your one stipulation?” The coldness of his voice is replaced with condescension.
“Honestly, it’s nothing major, but I think it’s important so that we clear up any lingering confusion. I want you to admit that we worktogetherand move forward as ateam.” Quick and straight to the point. Dallas delivers a short-lived, menacing laugh.
“No can do, princess. Just stay out of my way.”
He stands and then storms out of my office like a toddler who was told no.
“I don’t make it a habit of apologizing for my brother’s behavior, but I am sorry in this case. I’ll talk to him. It’ll be fine and I’ll make sure moving forward that he isn’t disrespectful. Get the proposals to him and cc me on everything.”
“Thank you, Sawyer. I promise I’m not a difficult person to work with. He brings out a side of me I don’t recognize. I’m not sure why he dislikes me so much. People usually love me.”
“I’m not worried about it, Blaire, and you shouldn’t be either. It’ll be okay and he’ll come around.”
She nods before grabbing her notebook and leaving me to my empty office.
Maybe I should reconsider sending his ass to HR.
Chapter 8
The drive from Seattle to Aspen Ridge will take me almost four hours at this point. I wish I could blame the traffic, and I could until I got out of the city, but there are so many scenic lookout points that I have to keep pulling over to marvel at them. Sure, on some clear days we get an amazing view of Mount Rainier, and I love it when my mountain comes out and shows off. But this? Snow-tipped mountains in the distance cast a magnificent shadow over the lush forest below them, the crystal lakes spread out at their feet. Overcast days like today are my favorite, when everything is blanketed in cloud cover and a light mist travels along in the breeze. It’s enchanting and mysticaland I forgot how much it gave me life. These scenic views that Washington holds have so much beauty that it takes your breath away. I have to ask myself how I ever lived in a city. I’m sure it aided in my lack of thriving there.
I stocked up on my favorite snack food and have been blaring the music to pass the time. As I reach into the bag of Chex Mix, I sigh in frustration as I only pull out rye chips, having done all I could to pick around them without Zoe here. I hit the speed dial on my phone to call her.
“Are you there yet?” Her chirpy tone fills the car, bringing a huge smile to my face.
“I miss you already, ZoZo!” I whine.
“The rye chips are in your way aren’t they?”
She knows me so well.