I trace little circles on the mattress. "I guess."
We continue talking but it's not long before we hear the rustling of trees and a voice shouting, "Emma! Are you there?"
Something sinks inside me.
"I guess our cavalry has arrived," Declan says and I don’t think I imagine the disappointment in his face echoing my own.
Rick's cavalry consists of him, Gary Fiore, and Buck Shoreton, a tall quiet bear of a man who always smells like motor oil. With their help, and Declan carrying me most of the way, we manage to get down to the base of the hill, where Rick's truck is waiting for us.
"Buck over here will drive Lou's car out," Rick says. "And Gary can take yours."
"My car will probably need a little more than that to get it out of the ditch," Declan says. "I'll deal with getting it out later."
Rick looks like he wants to argue but he just closes his mouth and nods. Gary joins us in the truck, and we drive, an awkward silence hang between us. Declan doesn't bring up the fact that Rick sent him in here on a wild goose chase without warning him about the storm or the rough terrain.
He doesn’t look at Rick, even though Rick is throwing him sidelong worried glances. I wonder if he's scared of potential retribution. Heck if I was Rick, I would be scared of the same thing. Declan doesn't look like the kind of man you want to cross, which is what makes it weird that he would pull that prank on him.
Then again, Rick was probably still mad about the burger incident, and maybe even blamed him a little for Grandpa's heart attack, as silly as that would be.
I try to break the awkward silence by making conversation. "Hey, Rick, you know we found a Rainbow Pearl up there?"
"You did?" His lips press together as his eyes wander off oddly to Declan again.
"Yup. Two of them actually. Isn't that crazy?"
"It is. But that's great, kiddo." He taps the wheel and glances at Declan again. "Real great. You didn’t happen to see anything else while you were up there, did you?"
“Like what?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Sometimes, I see strange stuff there. Could have sworn I saw a bear once and, sometimes hunters from other towns like to hike there. I keep some guns handy in my closet. Just in case you saw it, that’s what that’s for.”
"The bear was probably Buck,” Gary says and we all snort. I can't think of anything else to say so the conversation dies there. Besides, I'm too aware of Declan's silent body pressed against my right side, his arms still partially around my shoulders.
Later after Rick drops us both off on my front porch, I turn to Declan and say, "Listen, about Rick... I’m not saying what he did was right but–"
"Forget it," Declan says. "I know why he did it. But I found the Rainbow Pearl anyway so I’m not bothered."
Oh," I say, blinking, surprised. I always thought Declan would be the vengeful type. "Okay. Thanks."
He nods. "Also, I'm no longer bulldozing the hotel."
That one stuns me silent for several seconds. I lean back against the railing and blink at him, eyes wide. "Are you serious?"
He nods and considers the pearl still in my hand before he answers, "You were right. Some things are worth the extra work to make them shine again."
"So you're going to renovate it?"
"Are you for real right now? You're not pulling my leg?"
He smirks. "No."
"Oh Declan, thank you, thank you!" I throw my arms around his neck, enjoying the solid press of his body as his arms wrap around my waist. "But what changed your mind?"