"You’ve been here before?"
"Not this up high," I admit. "But my friend Tate and I used to come exploring all the time. We never made it this far though." I survey the terrain below us, endless green going on for miles before blending in with the blue sky and bordered by a separate blue of a lake. "It’s actually really pretty up here."
"You'll get a much prettier view if you sit your ass back in the cabin."
I shake my head. "Not happening."
"Emma – "
"Look I wanna go home as fast as possible too. My Grandpa just had his surgery yesterday and I wanna see him when he wakes up."
Declan lips close. "The surgery was yesterday?"
"Yeah," I say, and for whatever reason a tiny tendril of guilt assails me. "I didn’t want to tell anyone before it happened because well…"
"I get it," he says, and his understanding is reflected in his soft smile. "It can get overwhelming living in a small town like this right?"
"That’s one way to put it," I say but I’m relieved I don’t have to explain myself to him
"Remember you don’t owe anyone anything," he says. "But you should go back inside."
"That's not happening." I take a few steps forward, trying not to hobble as I walk. Declan still frowns.
"You said you won't go far," I say. "I should at least be able to walk a little. And while you're looking for cell service, I can keep an eye out. See if I catch any Rainbow Pearls. Rick told me you came here to get one for Amelia, right? I'll help you look around. Sometimes, you get lucky and find them in the most unexpected places. "
"There’s no such thing as a Rainbow Pearl."
"And you're giving up that easily?" I snort and his lips press together. "Didn't think you were the type."
"Look, I don't have time for this superstitious nonsense," he says, rubbing his hand over his face. "And I don't have time for you to play stubborn either. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to stay in the cabin if I have to carry and lock you in there myself. Then I'm going to go and try to find cell service. I'll only be gone for about thirty minutes, but if you need anything shout and I should be able to–where the fuck do you think you're going?"
Like he did to me, I start walking away during the last part of his sentence, venturing down the hill myself. I keep my eyes on the grass, avoiding slippery patches and rocks.
"Emma-" He starts moving toward me. "Don't make me have to-"
"Wait," I say as a glint of something catches my eyes. I squat and brush the grass away, retrieving it.
My heart pounds.
It can't be. I couldn't have gotten that lucky.
"What are you doing?" I hear him behind me, as I rise to my feet, excitement rippling through me. "What are you holding?"
I turn around triumphantly, holding my palm out to him. "Superstitious nonsense."
Chapter Twenty
I pick the orb from Emma's palm and hold it up to the sun, unable to believe the glittering perfection of the gem. I’ve seen plenty of pearls in my lifetime, some of them truly beautiful.
My father once introduced me to a business partner who had clear South Sea pearls and dark Akoya pearls constellating on her neck. Though I appreciated their elegance, pearls have never been a gem I’ve paid much attention to, as most of my lovers preferred more expensive fare like diamonds and gold.
But this is something else.
Perfectly round and clear, but with a hybrid of colors that I can't quite make out. As I turn it the pearl seems to change color, flashing green, yellow, and red at different turns.
"Amazing," I murmur.