“But I’m not here for good news,” I said lowly and urgently. “I tried to call you, but I couldn’t get through. I’m here because of Mom and Dad. Because of something terrible.”

“But they’re fine,” Todd said, confused. “They’re right behind us.”

“Not something terrible that happened to them—something that they did.” I gave my baby brother a long look and then I motioned to Danielle’s parents. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Do you remember my girlfriend from high school? Danielle? These are her parents.”

“It’s nice to see you,” Todd said, shaking their hands. “And I’m still so sorry about your daughter. I was young when it happened, but I remember what a tragedy it was.”

Todd turned back to me. “I don’t understand,” he said, looking baffled. He looked from Mr. and Mrs. Anderson to the police detectives standing behind them. “What’s going on?”

I took a deep breath, knowing the blow I was about to deliver. “Mother has been implicated in Danielle’s death. She threatened Audrey in Eleuthera and we started putting the pieces together,” I said. “The police are here to bring her in for questioning, and maybe dad, too. And the Andersons are here to see them face-to-face.”

Todd went pale beneath his tan. “Are you kidding?”

“No. I’m sorry, I’m not.” For the first time, I felt real sadness and regret about our parents, not just the rage that had been coursing through me.

“Come and sit down,” Evie said gently. She led Todd to some nearby seats, talking to him softly and rubbing his arm.

“Holy wow,” Jenny said, coming up next to us. She must have overheard at least part of the conversation. “I’d say I didn’t believe it, if Mrs. Preston wasn’t such a c-word. Sorry, James.” She turned to Audrey. “She just kept looking at me the whole flight. Like I was going to infect her with hooker cooties, or something.”

Audrey gave her an exhausted smile. “I’d say I was surprised, but—”

“Ho my frickin’ God, Audrey!” Jenny shrieked, interrupting her. “Is that an engagement ring?” Audrey nodded at her and Jenny grabbed her, jumping up and down. “It’s not even a rock! It’s a frickin’ boulder!”

“Jenny,” Audrey said calmly, “let’s talk about it later. We have some bad stuff to take care of right now.”

“Right,” Jenny said. She stopped jumping and crossed herself. “But wow. Just wow.”

My mother swept off the plane then, in a green polo shirt with the collar turned up, immaculate khakis, and white loafers. Her face managed to move enough to register shock when she saw us.

“James?” she said. “Audrey?”

I glowered at her, and she stopped dead in her tracks, my father bumping into her from behind. “Watch it, Robert,” she snapped.

“Mother, be polite—we have company,” I said, motioning to the Andersons. “You remember Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, right? Danielle’s parents? And this is Detective Gordon and Detective Fisk, from the Boston Police Department. I believe they’d like to ask you and Dad some questions—downtown.” I smiled as she fought to maintain her icy composure. Just then, the photographers started snapping pictures, their flashes going off.

“And that’s the Tribune. And Paparazzi.” I smiled tightly at her while she regained her composure and perfected her posture for the photographers.

“Mother, a couple of other quick things: Audrey’s mom is playing for my team now. You can still pay her if you want to. I’m sure she won’t object.”

I watched as the detectives headed purposefully toward my parents. The Andersons followed close behind, pale and resigned.

“Oh—and more thing,” I said. “Audrey and I are engaged.”

“Mr. Preston! You’re engaged?” called one of the photographers. “Let me take a shot of the happy couple!”

They published the picture all over the Internet that afternoon. In it, Audrey and I had our arms wrapped around each other, tired smiles on our faces. In the background you could just see my mother, the police converging on her. Her face managed to move enough to look as if she had swallowed a very bitter, very low-class pill.


Five Years Later - Eleuthera

Cole, Jenny and their three kids were waiting for us at the beach. Todd and Evie were just getting their youngest up from a nap; they were coming down to meet us shortly.

“I can’t believe you two are pregnant again,” I said, shaking my head at Cole.