“Of course not.You can’t forget Alaska.I followed all the news I could find.I read about Mark Hardwell holding a fundraiser, thinking about running for governor.I read about Rita Casey’s death.I thought there was a connection because of where she was killed, and I decided to come back and see if I could find my old journal, if it even still existed.”
“I guess you never made it to that shithole in the shed,” Bear said dryly.He was standing next to the table, arms folded over his chest, looking scrumptious as always.
“No, I did not, but I looked a lot of places.I finally gave up and decided it was too much for an old lady, so I had to pass the baton.”She turned back to Paulina and stage-whispered, “Do you know how hard it was to get these two todosomething?They were so busy falling in love.I had to get dramatic to get their attention.I had to get creative.”
The kettle whistled, and for the next few moments Lila and Bear busied themselves getting the tea ready and slicing the banana bread they’d brought.
As they set everything on the table, Lila said, “Just wondering, Nancy, why you didn’t just talk to us?You were at The Fang a couple of times, right?”
“I couldn’t take the chance.If anyone in the Hardwell family or anyone working for them knew I was here, they’d find me and off me.I knew that for certain.That’s what happened to Rita Casey.She and Grant Cruz, that journalist, were poking around the Snow River cabins.I didn’t trust Grant, but I invited him to stay at the Community with us so I could keep an eye on him.In the meantime, I chose you two.”She waved at Lila.“You were living in the old hardware store.I knew how to get in there.I used to sneak in and play pranks on Allison.And you,” she jerked her head at Bear, “you know how to take care of things.”
He tilted his head to accept the praise.In Lila’s opinion, it was completely accurate and yet still not enough.He deserved so much more.
“I needed my journal because it’s what they call ‘contemporaneous notes.’That was all I wanted.I had no idea you’d face off with Billy Hardwell himself.I’m so sorry that I put you in danger and I thank the angels you’re both okay.”She leaned toward Bear.“Is my journal going to help nail the Hardwells?The truth needs to come out.”
Bear pulled up a footstool and sat down.He dwarfed the three of them, like Papa Bear in the gingerbread house.“We’ll have to see.His goons will most likely testify against him to save themselves.The FBI is tracking down some of the women who were flown through Snow River.They’ve got all the flight logs and the pilots are being interrogated.”
“They’ll all go down,” Lila said confidently.This, she knew, and she didn’t mind saying so.“Everyone who had anything to do with trafficking women in and out of Snow River will pay, in some way.And that’s thanks to you, Nancy.You were really brave, coming back here.”
“I stayed away too long,” she said mournfully.“I got married, had a baby.I thought they’d shut the operation down after the shootings.”
Bear balanced a plate of banana bread on his knee.“They did, for a while.Then they started it up again a few years ago.Billy Hardwell needed funds to launch his son’s political career.”
They all shuddered in revulsion.At least that political career was now over.Some lines simply couldn’t be crossed.
“I just knew you’d come back someday,” Paulina told Nancy.“Every time I thought about leaving, I couldn’t.I didn’t know what had happened with Allison and Gwen, but I knew something wasn’t right.”
“Oh Paulina.When I saw your painting at The Fang, I just about cried.You really did it.Your art is beautiful.Gwen would be so proud.”Nancy and Paulina fell into another tearful hug.
After that emotional reunion, Nancy decided to spend the night with her old friend.Lila and Bear offered to come back the next day to pick her up.
“Oh no, just leave my skis by the salmon sculpture.That’s how I’ve been getting around to make my mischief.I’ll be fine.”
As they drove backtoward town, they were both quiet.The events of the past few days had been overwhelming.To Bear, it felt as if years’ worth of injustice had been brought to light and released.
Even when it came to his own life.
“Got a call from Cromwell,” he told Lila.He’d been keeping this one quiet so he could think on it.“He says my old police chief back in Bethel could be caught up in this thing.The tentacles go far.”
Lila pulled off her mitten and touched his leg.“I hope he apologized while he was at it.”
“Actually, he kind of did, in a backwards way.He offered me a job.”
“What?In Blackbear?”
He saw the shock on her face and quickly reassured her.“I turned him down.I don’t think I’m cut out for the force.Too much time in Firelight Ridge.I’m a renegade now.”He grinned down at her.
“For the record, I would have offered support no matter what you decided.”
“Also for the record, I would have talked it over with you first if I was seriously considering it.”
He put his hand over hers, and she squeezed it.A bald eagle glided over the road about ten yards ahead of them.Somehow it felt like a sign.
“I hope your old chief has to answer for what he did to you,” she said.
“He might.Cromwell told me they’re putting together another task force to sort all this out.”