“You’re free this weekend?” he asked after she took her seat.
“Okay, then. How about we go watch a baseball game in Miami.”
Her eyes widened. “Miami? I…I can’t. I have Grizelda.”
“I already checked with Linc and Hazel and they’re happy to take Grizelda for the weekend. Now, would you like to go to Miami and see a game?”
Part of her was a bit irritated that he’d gone behind her back to make arrangements forherdog. Another part of her was excited at the chance to spend a fun weekend in Miami. And see a baseball game. These two sides of her were going to have to come to some sort of agreement and soon.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to. It’s just a suggestion.”
She sighed. “I do have responsibilities, Eugene. I can’t just drop and go like you can.”
“I realize that. But this weekend you can, right?”
She hated that he was so smugly right. “I suppose I can.”
He grinned. “Great. I’ll make all the arrangements.”
After the bill was paid, they headed back to her place, where Grizelda enthusiastically greeted her. “I’m going to take her for a walk,” she said.
“Okay. I’m going to go pack. I’ll be back to pick you up at say…” He looked at his phone. “At about one?”
She checked her phone. “That’s fine.”
“Okay.” He came over to her and drew her against him, giving her a long, deep kiss that made her lean into him, grasping the fabric of his shirt. When he pulled away, she wanted to bring him toward her again, but now wasn’t the time. Instead, she patted his chest and took a step back, creating the distance she needed.
She walked him to the door and opened it. “See you soon.”
He smiled at her. “Yeah. Really soon.”
She closed the door and looked down at Grizelda, her tail wagging madly.
“How about a nice long walk, little girl?”
Grizelda barked.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Come on, let’s go.”
Eugene might have gone a bit overboard, but he desperately wanted to show Natalie a good time. They could have driven. It was only a three-and-a-half-hour drive, but he wanted to maximize their time in Miami, so he figured flying was the best way to go. And sure, chartering a plane was probably a bit much, but he knew a pilot who said he was flying a family down for the weekend, and they had two extra seats, so the cost wasn’t bad at all. Plus they were able to avoid the crowds and potential delays, which made it totally worth it.
Eugene grabbed their luggage from the pilot, and then tipped him an extra hundred. “See you Sunday morning, okay?”
“You got it. Thanks.”
“This was so unnecessary,” Natalie said once they headed to the rental car counter. “You know I don’t need all these bells and whistles, Eugene.”
He turned to Natalie. “But think of all the hassle we avoided by doing it this way. Besides, in the end, it didn’t cost that much extra. So just enjoy it, okay?”
“Fine. I will enjoy.”