Page 87 of Designs on You

“Oh.” That was so long ago she’d have to think back. “I was a different person then. I’d go shopping, hit the yoga studio, go to lunch with my friends, get a mani/pedi, kind of just…relaxing and fun things.”

“And you don’t do that anymore?”

“Well, sure I do. When I can fit it in. Normally when the kids are with their dad I get caught up on bills, clean the house, grocery shop, that kind of thing.”

“Okay, then what would you like to be able to do?”

“Hmm.” It was a good question. “I don’t know. Let me think about it for a bit.”


Their server arrived and set the plates down in front of them. Natalie’s stomach grumbled as she inhaled the smell of everything delicious.

She had an omelet along with turkey sausage, toast, and fruit. Eugene, on the other hand, had bacon, eggs, and pancakes, the latter of which he smothered with maple syrup.

“Are you having pancakes with your syrup?” she asked.

He sliced off a piece of pancake and held it out for her. “Taste.”

Unable to resist, she opened her mouth, and he slid the fork between her lips. The pancakes were soft and fluffy, the syrup sweet. After she swallowed, she said, “Maybe I should have ordered pancakes.”

“I’m happy to share.”

“I think I’ve got more than enough on my plate, but thanks.”

“Okay, but if there’s anything you want, just ask.”

She tucked a bite of omelet in her mouth, thinking that comment over while she chewed. He’d asked her what she wanted to do or what she used to like to do during her free time before kids. What she’d told him was true. She’d do all this stuff to pamper herself or work on her body. It had been fun and frivolous and relaxing, but then again, she’d had zero responsibilities. Now? She had a lot.

Which didn’t mean she couldn’t take advantage of her occasional free days, right?

What would she like to do?

She looked up at him. “It’s been ages since I’ve been to a baseball game.”

Eugene arched a brow. “You like baseball?”

She nodded. “I love baseball. And, FYI, football and basketball, too. And hockey.”

He gave an impressed nod. “You are sporty. And you were on the swimming and golf teams.”

“Yes. But I love all sports. I tried out for the high school basketball team but I was, frankly, terrible.”

He laughed. “Yeah, well, we can’t be awesome at everything. I wanted to be a wide receiver on the high school football team. I played when I was little, but my apparently inept skill level didn’t translate to the higher grades.”

She offered up a sympathetic smile. “And there went your dream of playing for the NFL.”

He shrugged. “I had to pivot and learn a different skill set. Good thing I was awesome at video games.”

“Good thing. And now here you are, doing what you love.”

He leaned back in his chair. “Yeah. It’s a damn good life. And you’re doing what you love.”

“I am. Aren’t we lucky?”

He reached over and entwined his fingers with hers. “So lucky.”

She left to go to the restroom, checking her face and hair in the mirror after she washed her hands. She reapplied her lip gloss and went back out to their table.