Page 80 of Designs on You

“Point taken. You do have to tread carefully, but I can vouch for Eugene, and so can Linc. He’s a good guy, honey. He’s not going to hurt you or the kids.”

“Logically, I know that. It’s just…”

Hazel tilted her head and gave her a soft smile. “You’re scared to put your heart out there again. You don’t want it trampled.”


“Well, how about you take it one day at a time and see how it goes? It’s not like he’s asked you to run away and marry him, right?”

She let out a short laugh. “No, that definitely hasn’t happened.”

“Okay, then. So maybe you’re putting the proverbial cart before the horse just a little?”


“Then go forth and have some fun, and if you develop feelings, or if you’ve already gotten them, let it happen. Holding yourself back from heartbreak means you hold yourself back from life. From love. And both of those are pretty awesome, Nat.”

She felt the tension dissipate from her body. “Thank you, Hazel. I needed to hear that. I guess I worry too much.”

“I’ve heard it comes from being a parent. And you’re a very good one. I know you’re looking out for the welfare of the kids, which is awesome. But you’re entitled to have a life, too. And you have all of us to help back you up. You’re not alone in this.”

That meant more to Natalie than she could ever say. “Thanks. I appreciate you. And Linc. And Mom and Paul.”

Hazel grinned. “We’re your village. Now, tell me what’s on tap for the two of you for the rest of the trip. Leave out the sex stuff, though.”

Natalie laughed and then started talking. Leaving out the sex stuff, of course.


Eugene did a careful walk around his house, making notes of anything that wasn’t coming along to his satisfaction. He had a great contractor, though, and there wasn’t much that he had to nitpick. Everything was going well and he could already see how awesome this place was going to be.

The living room, dining area, and kitchen area were open and spacious, and he could already imagine the entertaining he could do there. Plus, the wide open doorway leading to the patio and pool area was a stunner. He couldn’t wait to host parties outside.

Ned, the general contractor working with Linc, told him that he and his team should be finished with the renovations within the next few weeks, which was why Eugene had asked Natalie to meet him out here today. He wanted to know how soon she could be done with the design stuff so he could move in. He was so ready to get out of his temporary place and into this incredible house.

“Hey, are you in here?”

He pivoted at the sound of Natalie’s voice. “In the kitchen.”

She walked in and he smiled. After their trip to New York lastweek, they’d both been busy with work, and, of course, Natalie had the kids. So it had been a week since he’d seen her. There was something about her that took his breath away. Maybe it was the smile that lifted her lips whenever she saw him. A guy had to feel good about his woman being happy to see him, because he sure as hell was happy to see her.

“Hi,” he said. “You look gorgeous.” Which she did, in a black-and-white dress that hugged her upper body and flared out around her legs. She’d coupled it up with white sandals. Today, her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and all he could think about was the curve of her neck and how he wanted to put his mouth there, breathe in her scent, and lick his way across her body.

He blew out a breath. He definitely had missed her. A week was much too long to go without her.

“Thanks. You look hot as always.”

Yeah, they could have some fun. Right now.

Ned came into the room, obliterating Eugene’s fantasy. Ned shook hands with Natalie.

“Excuse us for just a few minutes, Eugene,” Natalie said, as she and Ned wandered the house. They came back in a bit later, Ned nodding while Natalie talked. Then Ned left the room and she turned to him. “Ned’s team is ahead of schedule. We’d better get started finalizing design plans.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. I’m ready to go.”

“What do you have that’s on the way?” she asked.

He frowned. “What do you mean?”