Page 60 of Designs on You

Part of her wanted to shut him down, to tell him whatever it was between them was over. But the flame between them still burned hot. And his apology had felt sincere. Plus, he looked so damn hot right now in his dark jeans and black-and-white button-down shirt with the sleeves pushed up over his muscular forearms that all she could think about was climbing on his lap and rocking against him until he threw her to the floor and…

Wait. She was working. And this wasn’t even her house.

Banishing those thoughts, she stood. “We’ll give it another shot.”

His lips curved. “Okay. But for some reason that felt like a job interview.”

He had a point, so she raised up on her toes and curved her hand around his neck, pulling him down for a blazing-hot kiss. He wrapped his arm around her and drew her against his rock-hard body, making her want to climb all over him.

Damn. Why had she kissed him? Why had she started this when she knew they wouldn’t be able to finish?

Before she lost herself completely and they ended up on herclients’ very polished kitchen floor, she pulled herself away from Eugene’s very delicious mouth and body, taking in a deep breath and grounding herself back in reality.

“Sorry,” Eugene said, dragging his fingers through his lush hair.

Honestly. Did every movement he made have to be such a turn-on? She needed to get rid of him.

“I have to get back to work.”

He cleared his throat and took a step back. “Right. Sorry. What do you need me to do?”

“I need you to leave so I can concentrate on said work without wanting to get naked and then get you naked.”

His lips curved. “Okay, then. So…when can we pick this up again? Because I’d really like to see you.” He smoothed his hands down her arms. “And touch you. I have much more apologizing to do.”

She quivered in all the right places. “Sean has the kids Thursday night. You could come over. Or we could go out.”

“I’ll be happy to come over. Or go out. You choose.”

“I’ll text you then.”


She walked him to the front door. He bent and brushed his lips across hers.

“Thursday,” he said.

“Right.” She closed the door behind him, then sighed in utter sexual frustration.

She pushed off the door and grabbed her phone, checking off what she’d accomplished from the to-do list.

Thanks to Eugene’s help, she didn’t have much left to do. Whichmeant she’d be out of here earlier than expected. She’d planned for a long night, so she’d gotten a sitter for the kids.

Free night. She grinned and texted Hazel.

How would you feel about dinner and a spa night with your sister?

Hazel texted back a few minutes later.Sounds perfect!

Natalie booked the spa reservations, then made plans with Hazel to eat at their favorite Italian restaurant.

It was going to be a perfect night.


Eugene’s plans with Natalie for Thursday never happened because her ex had suffered some kind of dental emergency, which meant that he couldn’t take the kids that night. Natalie had apologized profusely, but Eugene had told her it was no big deal, and they could do something together another night.

In fact, the company he worked for was doing an event that weekend for all employees along with their family members. Since it was an amusement park, he figured the kids would enjoy it, so he asked Natalie about going on Saturday with the kids. He invited Hazel and Linc as well.