Page 47 of Designs on You

“Wow. Sean never once stepped foot in the kitchen unless it was to get himself a drink. Most of the time he’d want me to do that for him, too. And he never once washed a dish because he worked and I was at home doing—and I quote—‘nothing all day long.’ ”

Hazel wrinkled her nose. “Bastard. And look at where he is now. Not married to you anymore. Too bad for him, huh?”

She smiled. Yeah, too bad for him.

Her gaze wandered over to where Eugene and Linc stood side by side at the sink, talking and laughing while they put leftovers away, rinsed dishes, and loaded them in the dishwasher. Then Linc took the dogs outside while Eugene washed pots and pans.

“Those two are a whole other breed,” Natalie said.

“Not really. They’re just the type of men we deserve.”

She pulled her gaze away from Eugene’s amazing forearms and onto her sister. “You know what? You’re right. We do deserve them.” Not that Eugene was hers, but she did deserve the kind of man who shared household duties equally.

Every woman should have that.

And more. So much more.

While the guys were on seconds of dessert, Natalie splayed her design scheme for the backyard on the table. After the guys finished, Linc came over, along with Eugene.

“I like this here,” Linc said, pointing to the oasis of shade trees and the pergola with misters Natalie had designed on the east side of the house. “It stays cooler, and the dogs will really enjoy hanging out there on hot summer days.”

Hazel nodded. “I agree. And I love the way you added more lush grasses in that area. The dogs will love that.”

“I wanted to put the dog shower near the door here,” she said. “That way if someone gets muddy, it’s easier to hose them off and dry them before they come into the house. But you can change that if you want it somewhere else.”

“No, I think that’s a smart idea,” Hazel said, studying the drawings. “But could we move the splash pool farther back? Say to the left of the rocks on the west side?”

“Sure.” She made notes about the adjustments. “Anything else?”

“Can we keep these and study them a while?” Linc asked. “It might take a day or two to let everything sink in.”

“Of course. Give it at least a week. I’ll check back with you then. And call me if you have questions.”

Hazel smiled. “I’ll call you either way.”

They visited awhile longer, then Natalie said she was going to head out. Eugene left at the same time, so they walked outside together.

“I like your plan for the backyard,” he said as he stopped beside her car.

She leaned against the door. “Thanks. I like it, too.”

They looked at each other, neither of them saying a word. All Natalie had to do was reach out for him, take that step. But for some reason she didn’t.

“Okay.” He pushed off the car. “Anyway, I guess I’ll—”

“Wait.” She turned to look at him. “Come home with me.”

He arched a brow. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. No. I mean, I don’t know. Yes.”

His lips curved. He picked up her hand in his. “A little conflicted?”

“I guess. But not in the way you think. I want some time alone with you. But I’m not sure I’m ready to—”


“Come on. Don’t make me say it.”