“We ran into each other in the parking lot,” Linc said, carrying bags. “I guess we both showed up early to help.”
Eugene came over to Natalie, smiling at her, making her lose all focus. “The more hands the better, right?”
Why was it that his mere presence made her neurons cease firing? “Uh, right. Thanks for coming.”
His grin also made her tingle in all her feminine places. “Wouldn’t miss it. Where are the kids?”
“With their dad. They’ll be here soon.”
He stepped closer. “Where do you want me?”
She lifted her gaze to his, her thoughts running amok as his question rolled around in her head.
Where did she want him? On top of her. Underneath her. Behind her. Pushing her against a wall. Hell, she wanted him inside of her in any way she could get him.
The room got hotter and she shook her head to shake off the sex thoughts. “How about you put the tablecloths on for a start?”
“You got it.”
After he walked away, she finally took a breath.
Hazel tipped her head over Natalie’s shoulder. “Can’t breathe around him, huh?”
“Shut up. And don’t let Mom know that I’m going out with him. You know how she is.”
“Oh, believe me, I know.”
Speak of the devil, she walked right over and entered their circle. “Who’s that young man spreading the tablecloths?”
“That’s Linc’s brother Eugene,” Hazel said. “He just moved here recently for work.”
Mom eyed Eugene, then nodded. “It’s nice that he’s here to help.”
“Well, he’s—” Natalie gave her sister a wide-eyed look, so Hazel nicely pivoted. “He’s just a great guy, and Linc’s his only family here, so Natalie thought to invite him.”
“Aww.” Mom patted Natalie on the arm. “Aren’t you sweet?”
“Thanks, Mom.” Natalie tried to get her pounding heart under control and went about decorating the clubhouse. They had just gotten the gifts set up when guests began to arrive, along with Sean and the kids. She went outside to greet them, and the kids ran into her arms for a hug.
“It’s my birthday!” Christopher gave her a hug and a wide grin. “Daddy got me a go-kart!”
She cast a disparaging look at her ex. “A go-kart?” She watched Sean pull it out of the back of his SUV. “Tell me that’s not supposed to go to my house.”
“It’s not like I can keep it at the condo, can I?”
She rolled her eyes. “Sean. That is the most—”
“Hey, little dude,” Eugene said as he walked outside. “Happy birthday.” He held out his fist and Christopher bumped it.
“I got a go-kart!”
Eugene grinned. “Whoa. You did? So cool.”
“Eugene,” Natalie warned. “I was just explaining to Sean—”
“Hi. I’m Eugene Kennedy.”
“Sean Parker.” They shook hands and then launched into a very excited conversation about the go-kart, to include her five-year-old son. Disgusted, she turned on her heel and stormed into the clubhouse.