Page 40 of Designs on You

“How many stitches?”

“Uh…” He looked at Natalie. “How many, Momma?”


“Wow. You’re so tough. And, you’ll have a really awesome scar. I can’t wait to see it.”

“Me, too.” He looked down at the bag in his hand. “What’s that?”

“Well. When I heard you got hurt, I bought you a present.”

His eyes widened. “You did?”

“Yeah. I thought this might help you feel better.” He handed the bag to Christopher. He opened it and had the happiest look on his face. Eugene was glad he’d chosen right.

“Wow. Momma, look.”

“I see that. It’s very nice.”

Eugene helped him get the car set up, and showed him how to use the remote to move the car and make the wheels spin.

“This is so cool.”

“What do you say, Christopher?” Natalie asked.

“Thanks, Eugene.” He was already halfway down the hall.

Eugene laughed as he watched Christopher disappear around the corner, wheels screaming, colors flying.

“Thanks for getting my kid a loud, annoying gift.”

He moved close to her. “You’re very welcome.”

“Hey, I’m really sorry about bailing so fast last night. I never even gave you dinner. Or, anything else.”

He turned to face her. “You’re a mom, Natalie. Emergencies are gonna come up. I’m just glad Christopher is okay.”

“I’m shocked you’re so understanding.”

He frowned. “Really? Why? I come from a family of three boys. One of us was always in an urgent care or ER. It’s the price of growing up.”

“I guess. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Camryn won’t end up in an emergency room.”

He huffed out a laugh. “Hey, don’t count out girls. They can play rough, too.”

“Oh, thanks. That gives me so much to look forward to.”

Christopher came down the hall, his remote-control car running ahead of him. “Hey, Eugene. Come play with me.”

Eugene grinned. “Coming, buddy.” He turned to Natalie. “If you’ll excuse me, my friend wants me to play with him.”

She shook her head. “Fine. I’ll make us a glass of iced tea.”

He played with Christopher for about an hour. He liked thetruck, then they played Legos for a while until Christopher started yawning. Eugene asked if they could read for a while, so Christopher picked out a few books. They sat on the floor, leaning against the bean bag chairs while Eugene read to him. Christopher sat next to him and laid his head against his chest, making Eugene’s heart squeeze as they read story after story, until he felt Christopher go lax against him. He looked down and saw he was asleep.

It was just then that Natalie came in. The way she looked at him was indescribable. Kind of a combination of awe and…hell, he didn’t know. It was some kind of sweet, maternal look, he supposed, and he was probably mistaking her looking at him. She was probably giving that warm look to her kid.

“Can you pick him up and put him in his bed?” she asked.