Page 33 of Designs on You

“Good to know, because I’m drinking a lot of wine at night.”

“I know that feeling. Other than that, how’s your schedule looking?”

“Great. I picked up a new client on Monday who wants to redesign their living room and guest bath. She’s given me a very healthy budget.”

“Excellent. You’ve just jumped right in and made a name for yourself here, Natalie.”

Natalie looked up from her planner. “I have?”

“Yes. I’m impressed. I think you’re going to do great things.”

“Wow. Uh, thanks, Delilah.”

“Just the truth.”

“Hi. Sorry to interrupt.”

As if her shock over Delilah’s compliment wasn’t enough, seeing Eugene peek his head in her office nearly knocked her off her chair.

“Eugene.” She cleared her throat of the squeak that eked out. “What are you doing here? Uh, excuse me. I mean, how nice to see you.” She stood. “Delilah Lawrence, this is Eugene Kennedy, my, uh, client.”

Delilah raised a brow, clearly not buying the client part. “A client, huh? How nice to meet you, Eugene.”

Eugene shook her hand. “Thanks. Natalie is doing a great job with the design of my house. Though right now my brother is wrecking it and putting it back together, so it’ll be a bit before it’s an actual house. But Natalie has awesome ideas.”

“Indeed she does. I’ll leave you two to talk. Very nice meeting you, Eugene.”

“You, too, Delilah.”

After Delilah left, Natalie came over to him. “What are you doing here? We didn’t have a meeting scheduled.”

“I wanted to ask you out to dinner this weekend, if you’re free.”

“You have a phone, you know. You could have texted me.”

He picked up her hand. “But then I wouldn’t have been able to see you, and I wanted to see you.”

She looked out the window of her office to see Delilah pretending to concentrate on something in the center room while simultaneously sneaking glances at her and Eugene.

She jerked her hand away. “We can’t do—this—here.”

“Then let’s do—this—on our date.”

“Fine. I’ll let you know when I’m free. Now go away.”

“Sure.” He swept his hand alongside her neck, drew her face closer to his, and kissed her. This time, he actually kissed her, his lips moving over hers subtly, the kind of teasing kiss that made her reach for his arms, feeling the flex of his biceps under her hands.

He pulled back, his eyes dark with desire, while her heart violently pummeled her ribcage, making her short of breath. She slid her hands across his chest, wishing they were anywhere but here right now. She wanted more. A deeper, more passionate kiss, the kind with tongues and hands roaming and lots of moaning and groaning. But they were here and they couldn’t.

“You have to go,” she whispered.

“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.”

He walked out, waving to Delilah, who smiled and waved. As soon as the door closed behind him, Delilah hurried her way toward Natalie’s office. Natalie braced herself for the lecture about inappropriate behavior.

Instead, Delilah leaned against the doorway and fanned herself with the file folder in her hands.

“Natalie. Damn, girl.”