She managed to eat half her halibut and vegetables, fully concentrating on her plate of food instead of looking at Eugene. Satisfied she’d eaten enough, she polished off her drink, then smiled up at Eugene.
“That was so good.”
“You’re finished?”
She nodded. “I had a big lunch.”
His phone buzzed and he picked it up. “We’re due up at axe throwing.”
She wiped the corners of her mouth with the napkin. “Perfect timing. Let’s go kill it.”
He paid the bill and led her around the corner and down the hall into the axe throwing room. They signed waivers, were given safety instructions, and then they headed to their assigned lane.
Natalie studied how far she’d have to throw that axe. Daunting. But she’d give it a try.
“I’ll go first, if that’s okay with you,” Eugene said.
“Yes. Definitely.”
She watched as he picked up the axe, the way he positioned it,the way he launched it toward the target. He hit just inside the bullseye.
“Wow,” she said. “You’re very good.”
He leaned his body into hers. “Yeah, I am.”
She laughed. “My turn.”
She picked up the axe, felt its weight in her hands. Heavier than she thought it would be. She lifted her arm up, back, then threw, hoping she wouldn’t end up throwing it against the side wall. Or, even worse, fling it to the floor.
It stuck. To the target. Bottom edge of the target, but she was on the target.
“Hell yeah!” Eugene yelled.
Natalie couldn’t resist a small squeal of delight. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”
Since they had an hour in the booth, they took turns flinging the axe until her arm hurt. But she was determined to hit the center of the target. Eugene hit the center mark multiple times. She got close, skirting the edge of center twice. For her, a triumph.
They headed to the bar when they were finished. They leaned back to sip their drinks and watch the action in the other areas.
“That was exhausting,” she said. “And exhilarating.”
“You did good.” Eugene laid his hand on her leg. “A couple more rounds and you’ll hit center target.”
She laughed. “I’ll be lucky if I can move my arm tomorrow. But I have to admit, it was so much fun.”
“Well, we’ll give your arm a rest. How about go-karts?”
She leaned forward. “As soon as I finish this drink, prepare to lose the race.”
He grinned. They ended up having another drink before spending the next hour racing each other—and several other people. Natalie couldn’t remember ever laughing so much or feeling so free as she pressed hard on the gas pedal and drove so fast everything around her was a blur. She felt out of control, which so wasn’t like her. Maybe that’s what she liked so much about it.
They finished up and walked off the course. Being on solid ground again made her dizzy. Eugene slid his arm around her waist, tugging her body against his.
“You okay?”
“I’m awesome. That was so fun. What’s next?”
“How about a breather?”