Page 21 of Designs on You

“More myself. I’m sure you’re very acclimated to this type of thing.”

“First time here, actually. It looks awesome. You can order food from any area. Drinks, too. And speaking of drinks, what would you like?”

“Vodka soda for me.”

“Okay.” He led them over to a somewhat quiet zone where they could watch some people play pool. They grabbed a table and she sat. “I’ll go get us drinks, and I’ll be right back.”


• • •

This wasn’t at all what Hazel expected. Though, to be honest, she should have known to expect the unexpected when she was with Eugene. The bar seemed fun, though she would have preferred a nice, quiet restaurant where they could talk and get to know each other better. But she was determined to have a good time tonight anyway.

She watched Eugene as he leaned against the bar, waiting on their drinks, and had to admit it wasn’t a hardship to just stare at him. Dark jeans, button-down shirt, white tennis shoes, and all the dark hair and sexiness that seemed to naturally exude from him. He brought the drinks over and set them on the table, smiling down at her.

Flutters. That smile gave her flutters, along with the intensity of his blue eyes. She could get lost in them.

If she was into that kind of thing, which she absolutely was not.

“Thanks,” she said, picking up the drink to take a long swallow. Its tangy warmth coated her throat.

Eugene took a seat next to her at the bar. He didn’t seem to feel like he needed to engage her in constant conversation, which she appreciated. They watched the various activities going on around them, occasionally commenting to each other about a failed pool shot or ping pong. She had to admit that in this atmosphere it eliminated any sense of awkwardness or attempts at making polite conversation.

Not that Eugene ever had issues coming up with things to say.

“So, what feels good to you?” he asked.

She shifted to look at him. “Excuse me?”

“Games, Natalie. Feel like playing?”

Again she momentarily lost herself just staring at his face. Angles and planes and spectacular eyes. His hair had fallen across his forehead, and she itched to tangle her fingers in all that dark softness.

She resisted. Instead, she shrugged and said, “I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve played…anything.”

He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You never forget how to play. You just have to get in there and do it.”

His voice, low and seductive, made chill bumps pop down her arms while simultaneously heating her body from the inside out. She needed to shake off those sensations. She slid off the barstool and said, “Let’s go toss some axes.”

“Great. Grab your drink.”

She did, and they wandered over to the axe throwing area, signing up for their time, which was an hour’s wait.

“We should go get something to eat first,” Eugene suggested.

“Sounds good to me.”

They found a table and grabbed menus. Natalie liked that they had a varied menu, not just typical bar fare.

“What looks good to you?” Eugene asked.

“Not sure. Maybe a salad. Or flatbread. Though I’m interested in the fish, too.”

“I like that you’re keeping your options open. Me, too. I’m thinking a burger or a steak. Or, like you, the catch of the day depending on what it is.”

When their server arrived he told them the catch of the day was halibut. Natalie ordered that since it would be accompanied by vegetables and wouldn’t be overly filling.

Eugene ordered steak, which was great because he might share a bite with her. Then again, some people didn’t like sharing. She supposed she’d find out.