Actually, she was hungry. But she wanted to put some distance between them so he could have the opportunity to heal and reflect. And maybe so she could avoid her feelings for him. “I…can’t right now. Sorry.”

“Okay. Talk to you later?”

“Yes. Sure. Gotta go.” She pulled her hand away and left, feeling miserable about leaving him standing there. He’d looked so disappointed it made her heart hurt.

And what was she doing, anyway? Who was she to decide how he should best get over his parents’ divorce? Was leaving him alone the best option? Hadn’t she told herself she was going to be there for him? Fleeing was not the way to be there for a man she claimed to care so much about.

But he’d been so angry, and the last thing she wanted was to put herself in the position of bearing the brunt of his anger. She’d already had one disastrous relationship and didn’t intend to have another.

So while she wanted to be there for Kane, self-preservation had to take over.

She stood at the entrance to the wooded area, staring back at where Kane was, her heart aching for him.

But this time she intended to use her head to protect her heart. She turned away and headed toward the house.


Kane finished filmingfor the day and went to his trailer, kicked off his boots and went to the mini fridge to grab a beer. He settled on the sofa and scrolled through his phone, catching up on his texts and emails. His agent was still on him about the next project, but he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to even begin to think about it.

There was a call from his dad, who had left a voice mail. Yeah, he definitely wasn’t going to listen to that. Not at all surprising that his mom hadn’t bothered to call or text since she was all about her own feelings and no one else’s.

Move forward, not back.

Yeah, yeah. He took several swallows of his beer and scrolled through his texts, hoping he’d see one from Mae. But there was nothing, and he couldn’t push away the disappointment at that realization.

Something had been off with her when he’d seen her this afternoon. It was like she couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

He scrubbed his hand over his face. No, that couldn’t be right. Things were good between them. Or, at least he thought they had been. Was he misremembering dropping her off last night? They’d talked, right? He’d kissed her and told her they’d talk today. He’d been tired, sure, but he’d apologized for his shitty behavior and he thought they’d moved past everything bad that happened between them in Texas.

Move forward, not back.

His head hurt. He needed something to hydrate him, andprobably some aspirin. Not beer. He emptied the can in the sink and tossed it, popped some meds and pulled water out of the fridge, guzzling it down while walking the length of the trailer and back. Maybe that would help.

The problem was, twenty minutes later he still felt shitty. He couldn’t stay holed up in this trailer so he changed into sweats and a T-shirt, laced up his tennis shoes and went for a run, starting off slow and then increasing his pace, getting his heart rate up to a good click. He ran the path all the way to the Bellini house, intending to turn around and head back, but a truck pulled up in the drive and Johnny Bellini got out. Kane slowed his pace so he could say hello.

“Kane, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine, Johnny. How are you?”

“Just finished up helping out a friend with their horses. And I’m ready for dinner. Did you eat yet? It’s pasta night here.”

“Oh, well, thanks, but I’m sweaty after my run.”

“So, you wash up, then you come eat with us, yes?”

Not wanting to be rude, he smiled. “Of course. Yes. Thank you.”

Johnny led the way into the house. Maureen met them in the hall, kissing Johnny on the cheek, then looked over at Kane. “Oh, Kane, I’m so glad to see you. Are you staying for dinner?”

“I was invited by Johnny.”

She gave him a sweet smile. “Wonderful.”

“I was running and I need a place to wash up.”

“Right this way.” She led him to a half bath off the hall. “There’s washcloths and towels in the cabinet.”

“Thanks.” He made his way into the bathroom, found a washcloth and used it to wipe the sweat from his face and body. Feeling a little more refreshed, he walked out and heardtalking, so he followed the sound, realizing it was coming from the dining room, where all the good smells were.