“Maybe he’s just busy,” Donna suggested.
“He’s always busy. This is different. He’s different.”
Tess leaned across the island and grabbed Kane’s hands. “Talk to me.”
“I don’t know. Something feels off. It’s his tone of voice. He’s usually upbeat and super busy but always has time to chat, ya know? Lately he either tells me he has to call me back—and he doesn’t call back—or the calls are short. And again, it’s his tone.”
“Tone like what, honey?” Donna asked. “Depressed? Sad?”
“I don’t know. Just…monotone. Like he isn’t present.”
Tess straightened. “What are his and your mom’s plans this week?”
“I…don’t know, honestly. We haven’t talked about it. I just assumed they’re either hanging out at home or taking a trip.”
“Okay. Excuse me for a minute.” Tess left the room. Donna came over to sit next to him.
“You’re worried.”
“Yeah, a little. He’s not himself.”
“Have you asked him if something’s wrong?” Mae asked, figuring if he didn’t want her in his personal business, he’d say so. But now she was worried, too, and she couldn’t stay quiet any longer.
He seemed unfazed by her involvement when he answered her. “More than once or twice. He shrugs it off and says everything’s fine. At first I thought I was overreacting, that I was reading something into our conversations that wasn’t there. But I don’t know, maybe I’m the one that’s off.”
She squeezed his arm. “When you know someone so well you know their voice, their mannerisms, you know when something is off. Trust your instincts. You’re not wrong.”
“No, you’re not wrong.” Tess came into the kitchen and slid her phone on the counter. “Something’s off with your dad.”
Kane shifted and Mae felt the tension in his arm. “You called him?”
“I did. I told him your grandpa wasn’t doing well healthwise and it would be a good idea for him to come here for Thanksgiving.”
“You lied?” Donna looked aghast.
Tess just shrugged. “He’s coming, so now we can all talk and figure out what’s going on with him.”
“He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out you lied about Grandpa,” Kane said.
“When isn’t he pissed at me about something or other? He’ll get over it. Or I’ll get Dad to cough a couple of times while James is here.”
Donna rolled her eyes. “You will not. You’ll hit James with the truth as soon as he gets here. And shame on you for lying.”
Tess looked unaffected by Donna’s accusation. “It’s not like he’d show up otherwise.”
The door opened and a tall, weathered cowboy likely in his late seventies or early eighties walked in, though he still looked muscular and healthy. He removed his hat and put it on the hook before turning his attention on Kane. “Thought for sure I’d see you out by the horses as soon as you drove in.”
“Hey, Grandpa.” Kane got up and walked over to his grandfather, giving him a big hug. His grandpa returned the tight squeeze.
“Good to see ya, boy.”
It warmed Mae to see the affection all the family members had for each other. Even the dogs wound their way around Kane’s grandpa.
“Grandpa, this is my friend Mae Wallace. Mae, this is Adam August, my grandfather.”
Mae stood and shook his hand. “Very nice to meet you, Mr. August.”
“You can call me Adam. Or Grandpa. No one around here calls me Mr. August unless they’re tryin’ to sell me something.”