She sighed as she watched him tilt his head back and laugh at something Owen said. He’d discarded his suit coat, and she couldn’t help but notice his shoulders, and his forearms, since he’d rolled up his sleeves. “He’s hot, for sure.”

“You’re enjoying him.”

She tore her gaze away to smile at Honor. “If by enjoying him you mean sex, then yes, I’ve indulged.”

Honor let out a loud sigh. “Good for you. I’m a little jealous.”

“Please. You have Owen, speaking of hot men.”

Honor grinned. “This is true.”

“You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thanks. Luckily my sister knows how to choose good dresses.” She took a sip of something that was definitely nonalcoholic.

“Are you feeling all right?” Mae asked. “I noticed you haven’t been drinking alcohol lately.”

“Yes, I’m fine. And, no, I’m not pregnant.”

Mae’s eyes widened. “Oh, Honor, no. I wasn’t…I wouldn’t ever presume. I’m so sorry if you thought I was asking—”

Honor waved her hand. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay. I only thought you might be sick. There’s a virus going around and I thought you might have caught it.”

“Which I did, and then it led to bronchitis, which sucked right before the wedding. So I’m on antibiotics and off alcohol for the time being.”

“Ugh. I hope you’re feeling all right.”

“I feel fine now. And thanks for checking in.”

But she had thought…“Honor, I am so sorry. I would never, ever ask something so intrusive. It’s not my business what you choose to do with your life or your future. I hope you know that.”

Honor reached out and touched her hand. “Of course I do. I’m just being sensitive.” She took a sip of her drink. “My mother is being somewhat pushy in the baby department. The thing is, Owen and I aren’t ready. Not right now. Or maybe not ever. We haven’t decided yet. We’re both very career focused and we’re not sure that’s the direction we’re headed in.”

“Hey, it’s no one’s business but yours and Owen’s, and whatever you two decide, it’ll be what makes you both happy, right?”

“Exactly. And thank you for noticing. And caring.”

“Always, honey.” She was happy that Honor was all right. Her friends meant everything to her, and the last thing she’d want to do was hurt their feelings. “And as far as mothers, well, I didn’t have the best one, but yours? She’s pretty stellar. And understanding. Maybe tell her how you feel and ask her to back off?”

Honor sighed. “You’re probably right. Thanks.”

Mae breathed a sigh of relief. She would never want to upset Honor. Hopefully, Honor would get things straightened out with her mother, and all would be well.

Kane and Owen came over to where they were seated. Kane placed a glass of wine in front of her, so she took a sip. Owen dragged Honor away to dance, and Mae watched them, realizing how happy the two of them were with each other.

Just each other.

“Sorry I was gone so long. Owen was telling me about his brewery. It’s an amazing enterprise he has going.”

“It sure is. You need to check it out.”

“I’ll do that. Or maybe you can take me.”

“I can definitely do that.” She kept her eye on Honor.

“Something on your mind?”